Professor’s Email About His Messy Divorce Went Viral, Then His Wife Chimed In (5 Tweets)

It’s every student’s dream for a professor to cancel an exam. And that’s exactly what happened here, plus some.

It all began when Twitter user @decentbirthday shared a screenshot of an email their professor sent out. And, the email is something else.

The email is in regard to a rescheduled exam, but the professor peppered in a lot of special little details about his life. Like how against his best wishes, he was shot and had to be treated in the emergency room. Fair enough reason to postpone an exam.

But he just keeps going.

Apparently, he also has COVID-19. Oh, he’s also in the middle of a messy divorce. And he may not live.

Obviously, a lot of people had a lot of questions. How bad is this gunshot wound? Did the students know he was getting divorced prior to the email? If he has COVID-19, he should be quarantined at home and if he’s quarantined at home then did his wife shoot him? WHAT IS GOING ON!?

Well, Professor Wilson quickly learned of his viral fame and felt it was necessary to send out a follow-up email that is almost as chaotic as the first one.


Luckily for all of us, the saga continues, with the wife discovering the posts.


One Twitter user collected the wife’s replies to showcase the latest development.

The “I have a lot more followers than Patrick on Twitter and he was jealous of my online success” was a lot to take in.

Anyway, we’re glad Professor Wilson is OK!

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