What’s Something You Could Say Both During Sex And While Cooking

“What’s Something You Could Say Both During Sex And While Cooking?“—45 Tweets

Everyone is stuck in quarantine and in lockdown (or at least the non-mutants among us) and the only way to not go crazy is to be on the Internet. People have taken to playing Twitter games with more zest than ever before, and the latest one comes from a Twitter user named Lina Lundin who recently asked, “What’s something you could say both during sex and while cooking?”

It’s similar to the Twitter game “What’s something you can say during a family dinner and while having sex” but has more room for fun, in my opinion. 

via Twitter/@slinan

Clearly, many others agreed, as Lundin’s tweet racked up over 25K likes and over 26K responses within a couple of days’ time. Scroll through and see if you can find a funnier alternative than “Do you want to toss the salad?”, I dare you.











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