COVID Myths Get Thoroughly Debunked By Pathologists In Viral Video (14 Pics)


Expert verdict: “It is true that probably only about 1% of those people who get infected and get sick are going to die, but many of the others will get very sick and some of the others will get so sick that they may be affected for life.”

“Our indicator should not be the death rate because you can have individuals that may have survived the infection of COVID-19 but then go on to suffer a stroke because of the long-term effects of COVID-19.”


Expert verdict: “Taking the mortality at its face-value is a huge disservice because it’s not painting the full picture in terms of the whole effect that COVID-19 has on an individual.”

“Unfortunately when you think about our whole population our mortality rate is actually unbelievably high.”


Expert verdict: “COVID-19 is spread by respiratory droplets when somebody coughs, sneezes, or talks. 5G towers and technology do not have hav an influence on your ability to get infected with COVID-19.”

“The reality is the two are totally unrelated.”


Expert verdict: “I really wish this were true. And I think it depends a lot on which media you’re listening to. By talking about conspiracy theories and “no big deal” to say it’s all a hoax, these things help the virus. The virus doesn’t care. The reality is: It’s here, it’s real, it will infect given the opportunity.”

“It is science, and it is evidence, and it is public health that will save lives.”

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