Women Are Sharing Side-By-Side Pictures Where They Weigh The Same But Look Completely Different (50 Pics)

If you’ve ever had a weight loss goal that seems impossible to reach, don’t fret. These women are sharing their body transformations as a reminder that the scale is not the final arbiter of healthy living. Frankly, weight loss isn’t everything. You can be the same weight you are now but have a completely different body.

The point is: Women be exercising and devoting themselves to clean living. Am I right? We should all feel inspired by the healthy choices these people made and their insistence that you don’t need to follow some fad diet to drop pounds. Muscle weighs more than fat, and fat ain’t that big a deal, really.

Be good to yourselves. Feel good about yourselves. Live the life you want to live. These women have advice on what to ignore and what to focus on.

These women who completely transformed themselves are an inspiration to us all:

1. “These pics are 7 years apart and I weighed the exact same in both of them. Isn’t that crazy?”

Same weight different size women, body transformations, weight loss goals, body goals, looking good, feeling good, dieting, exercise, same weight different size body transformations

2. I know the difference between eating well and eating poorly… And if a day happens where I binge eat cake and a tub of butter, I leave it at just that. A day that happened.”

Same weight different size women, body transformations, weight loss goals, body goals, looking good, feeling good, dieting, exercise, same weight different size body transformations

3. “It took me 7 years of ducking around. ⁣
Trying new diets.⁣ & FINALLY educating myself.”

Same weight different size women, body transformations, weight loss goals, body goals, looking good, feeling good, dieting, exercise, same weight different size body transformations

4. “Proof that the number on the scale does not always reflect progress! 130 pounds vs. 130 pounds”

Same weight different size women, body transformations, weight loss goals, body goals, looking good, feeling good, dieting, exercise, same weight different size body transformations

5. “I can now say I’m 140lbs in both pics again.”

Same weight different size women, body transformations, weight loss goals, body goals, looking good, feeling good, dieting, exercise, same weight different size body transformations

Sad but true: fad diets are unhealthy and don’t work. These women are celebrating an exercise regimen. Making sure you exercise and feel good about yourself is what matters. Most diets that encourage restrictions or skipping meals will not help you lose weight in the long run.

As a person whose BMI is 33, I am technically obese. But, I exercise every day and feel comfortable in my own skin. I also sleep 16 hours a day. Just kidding, but that is the dream. Lifting heavy weights and cardio can help you burn calories and keep your metabolism up. Sleep, eat protein, work out, and don’t listen to the scale. Weight is just a number. That’s what I’ve learned here today.

6. “In ALL these pics I am the same weight! The only difference in the pics on the right I was eating clean and lifting heavy weights!”

Same weight different size women, body transformations, weight loss goals, body goals, looking good, feeling good, dieting, exercise, same weight different size body transformations

7. “Don’t give up.”

Same weight different size women, body transformations, weight loss goals, body goals, looking good, feeling good, dieting, exercise, same weight different size body transformations

8. “Baby that smile and confidence I got now is something I dreamed of two years ago.”

Same weight different size women, body transformations, weight loss goals, body goals, looking good, feeling good, dieting, exercise, same weight different size body transformations

9. “In case you didn’t know… the scale is a LIAR!”

Same weight different size women, body transformations, weight loss goals, body goals, looking good, feeling good, dieting, exercise, same weight different size body transformations

10. “On the left, just a few weeks ago, I’ve learned to have a positive relationship with food, I lift weights, and recognize the importance of rest.”

Same weight different size women, body transformations, weight loss goals, body goals, looking good, feeling good, dieting, exercise, same weight different size body transformations

11. “This is why taking progress pictures is important!”

Same weight different size women, body transformations, weight loss goals, body goals, looking good, feeling good, dieting, exercise, same weight different size body transformations

12. “Relying on the scale is a dangerous game, likely to leave you hurt.”

Same weight different size women, body transformations, weight loss goals, body goals, looking good, feeling good, dieting, exercise, same weight different size body transformations

Why is it so hard to lose weight? Blame basic biology. Your body’s metabolism slows as you lose weight because your body is the ultimate wingman. He’s there to say “hey, bro, it looks like you’re not getting enough food. Don’t worry. Next time you eat, I’m going to make sure the calories stay with you.”

We evolved to run, hunt, gather, and eat to replenish that energy. When you don’t eat, there are hormones in your brain that get sent out to warn you that you could be starving to death soon. Better find a jar of peanut butter fast. The starvation signal may cause you to overeat, which is why fasting and skipping meals doesn’t work for everyone.

13. “On the left I was binge eating, drinking way too much and had the WORST mindset when it came to food and my body…”

Same weight different size women, body transformations, weight loss goals, body goals, looking good, feeling good, dieting, exercise, same weight different size body transformations

14. “One of the biggest lessons I learned throughout my fitness journey (& life) is to stop expecting instant results.”

Same weight different size women, body transformations, weight loss goals, body goals, looking good, feeling good, dieting, exercise, same weight different size body transformations

15. Same weight: 140 in both.

Same weight different size women, body transformations, weight loss goals, body goals, looking good, feeling good, dieting, exercise, same weight different size body transformations

Dan Wilbur

Dan is a author, blogger and stand-up comedian.