Women Are Sharing Side-By-Side Pictures Where They Weigh The Same But Look Completely Different (50 Pics)

16. “Ultimately, it’s how you FEEL in your own skin!”

Same weight different size women, body transformations, weight loss goals, body goals, looking good, feeling good, dieting, exercise, same weight different size body transformations

17. Take that progress photo and clap for yourself for working towards your health.

Same weight different size women, body transformations, weight loss goals, body goals, looking good, feeling good, dieting, exercise, same weight different size body transformations

18. “THERE WAS NOTHING WRONG WITH MY BODY. But there was EVERYTHING wrong with the way I viewed it, and how I treated it”

Same weight different size women, body transformations, weight loss goals, body goals, looking good, feeling good, dieting, exercise, same weight different size body transformations

If you live in America, chances are, you’re not moving enough. Depending on which state you live in, your fellow adult population is anywhere between 17%-47% inactive. Sure, you might walk to your car, but if you’re not driving to the gym, you’re probably driving somewhere else where you’re planning to continue sitting. Staying active fights depression and builds willpower. The more you exercise, the more you’ll feel like saying no to a third doughnut.

The same goes for sleep and sobriety. Lack of sleep destroys willpower. Alcohol messes with sleep patterns and adds empty calories to your diet. Consider sleeping more, drinking less, moving around more often. Before you’ll know it, you’ll be craving exercise!

19. “Body composition is everything.”

Same weight different size women, body transformations, weight loss goals, body goals, looking good, feeling good, dieting, exercise, same weight different size body transformations

20. “200 lbs 4 years ago and 200 lbs today.”

Same weight different size women, body transformations, weight loss goals, body goals, looking good, feeling good, dieting, exercise, same weight different size body transformations

21. “She kept showing up, even after a hard day or week.”

Same weight different size women, body transformations, weight loss goals, body goals, looking good, feeling good, dieting, exercise, same weight different size body transformations

22. “By the way: looking at my BMI I‘m overweight in both pictures.”

Same weight different size women, body transformations, weight loss goals, body goals, looking good, feeling good, dieting, exercise, same weight different size body transformations

23. Getting fit and healthy at the exact same weight.

Same weight different size women, body transformations, weight loss goals, body goals, looking good, feeling good, dieting, exercise, same weight different size body transformations

24. “Same weight but 2 years apart.”

Same weight different size women, body transformations, weight loss goals, body goals, looking good, feeling good, dieting, exercise, same weight different size body transformations

25. Transforming over time.

Same weight different size women, body transformations, weight loss goals, body goals, looking good, feeling good, dieting, exercise, same weight different size body transformations

Never forget: it’s all about attitude. You make the choices you can stand to live with and still be happy. Don’t try to eat salad for every meal and expect to stay with it. It’s not who you are! Eat nutritious foods and work out intensively 2-3 a week and you’ll feel better about yourself and your lifestyle. it’s a virtuous cycle.

26. “Just when I thought I wasn’t making progress I’m actually killing it !”

Same weight different size women, body transformations, weight loss goals, body goals, looking good, feeling good, dieting, exercise, same weight different size body transformations

27. “No, I didn’t lose 5lbs I actually GAINED them!”

Same weight different size women, body transformations, weight loss goals, body goals, looking good, feeling good, dieting, exercise, same weight different size body transformations

28. “Pull up an old pic and compare it to the same shirt today.”

Same weight different size women, body transformations, weight loss goals, body goals, looking good, feeling good, dieting, exercise, same weight different size body transformations

29. “After hitting the gym 2-3 times a week.”

Same weight different size women, body transformations, weight loss goals, body goals, looking good, feeling good, dieting, exercise, same weight different size body transformations

30. “Today, Snapchat reminded me how far I’ve come. 2 years ago vs now.”

Same weight different size women, body transformations, weight loss goals, body goals, looking good, feeling good, dieting, exercise, same weight different size body transformations

31. “Watch what’s next!”

Same weight different size women, body transformations, weight loss goals, body goals, looking good, feeling good, dieting, exercise, same weight different size body transformations

32. “Don’t get emotional over scale weight.”

Same weight different size women, body transformations, weight loss goals, body goals, looking good, feeling good, dieting, exercise, same weight different size body transformations

33. “For some reason my scale showed I gained 5lbs overnight, instead of freaking out I took progress photos to show myself my progress has not been lost!”

Same weight different size women, body transformations, weight loss goals, body goals, looking good, feeling good, dieting, exercise, same weight different size body transformations

34. “16 months apart, difference of 5 pounds on the scale, 7 % decrease in body fat.”

Same weight different size women, body transformations, weight loss goals, body goals, looking good, feeling good, dieting, exercise, same weight different size body transformations

35. “I have had 100% reliance on it as a reflection of my self-worth but I’m slowly moving beyond that unhealthy relationship!”

Same weight different size women, body transformations, weight loss goals, body goals, looking good, feeling good, dieting, exercise, same weight different size body transformations

36. “I barely recognize myself!”

Same weight different size women, body transformations, weight loss goals, body goals, looking good, feeling good, dieting, exercise, same weight different size body transformations

h/t Bored Panda

Dan Wilbur

Dan is a author, blogger and stand-up comedian.