23 People Share Chilling Messages They Received From Stalkers

Imagine receiving a text message that sends shivers down your spine—not because it’s from a loved one with bad news, but because it’s from someone watching you a little too closely.

That’s exactly the eerie reality for the individuals in these stories. These people share the chilling messages from stalkers that turned their phones from everyday devices into sources of fear. Each account details an unsettling encounter, highlighting the dark side of digital communication. These real-life tales not only serve as a sobering reminder of the importance of personal safety but also offer a glimpse into the unnerving experience of being on a stalker’s radar.

Brace yourself as you delve into these harrowing stories, where the line between harmless and harmful communication is not just crossed—it’s completely erased.

1. Persistent Online Stalkers

2. This Stalker Nice Guy Is Still Texting Me When I Blocked Him Last Week. Hung Out W Him For Almost A Week Before His Amazing Attitude Shined Through

4. Sent Flowers To My GF, Stalker Gets Upset And Calls Florist Who Then Gave Them My Name

5. One Of Many Of The Old Text Messages From My “Vampire” Stalker

6. Nice Guy Decides To Stalk Girl He Meets On Train. Then Gets Mad That She Doesn’t Like Stalkers

7. I’m Actually A Nice Stalker!

8. Crazy Stalker Get Jealous When Seen With My Boyfriend

9. Recently Gave A Dude Directions On A Street, Gave Him Fake # But He Caught On. I Live And Work Downtown And Am Easy To Find Unfortunately. Guess I Have A Stage 5 Clinger, Even After Rejection

10. “I’m A Creepy Stalker, But You’re A Sh*t Person If You Don’t Want To Stay With Me!

11. Asked A Stalker Type Guy To Leave Me Alone Because I Have A Boyfriend And This Was The Response I Got, Lmao

12. “I Still Consider You To Be My Friend Even Though You Hate Me And Don’t Consider Me A Friend”-My Friend’s Stalker Of 5 Years

13. My Stalker Has “Endless Numbers” And So I’m Quick To Block Anything I Don’t Recognize But Will Occasionally Check My Blacked Messages Folder To Make Sure I Didn’t Block Anyone Other Than Him. I’m Mostly Just Posting Here Just Incase I Disappear. I’m Sure The Local Police Are Fatigued By Him By Now

14. My Former Professor Got This After A News Short Aired About Her

15. I Guess This Nice Guy Is Also A Stalker…

16. My Sisters Stalker Of 3 Years With A New Number After Being Blocked Everywhere Else

17. One Of My Friends Got A New Stalker, Commenting On Her Old Profile Pictures From 2015

18. Five Months After I Filed Two Police Reports, My Stalker Messages Me This. You’re Not Fooling Me, Creep. Oh, And His Profile Pic Is An Eyeball

19. 3 Years After I Blocked Him For Stalking Me. We Went On One Date. He Made 7 Fake Profiles, Stalked Me At Work, And Home. Also Faked His Own Death To Get Me To Talk To His “Friend” (Aka Another Fake Profile)

20. So My Stalker Found My Business

21. My Creepy Niceguy Stalker Is Back. This Time He Attacks My Child That Doesnt Exist And Is Still Salty About My Lack Of Nonexistent Feet Pics

22. Stalker Of A Pretty Cute Girl (Not Me) Harasses Her Via Dms, Thought Of This Subreddit Instantly

23. My Stalker Posted This On Instagram

h/t Bored Panda

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Alex Buscemi

Writer. Billionaire. Astronaut. Compulsive liar. (About some of those things)