20 People Share The Awkward Parts Of Sex “No One Really Talks About”


“Awkwardly shuffling over to the tissues at the side of the bed when you’re done” – raspberrybrownies


“Or as a woman, running to the bathroom to wipe away the obnoxious amount of semen your husband implanted into your vagina.” – uhhlaneuh


“Trying to take pants off while wearing skinny jeans. I have yet to unlock the secret of how to actually make this sexy and it always take me an uncomfortably long amount of time to get them off lol” – kay37892


“Trying to reposition while not catching her hair u der my load bearing hands. Or when the sheets are slick and you cant find your rhythm cuz your legs are sliding back like a dog dragging belly across the floor” – OuttatimepartIII


“Back in my hook up days, I was never really sure how to ask if she was planning to spend the night (if we hooked up at my place) or if she expected me to stay the night (if at her place). It was especially awkward on a weeknight when I had to be at work in the morning.” – bigtex2003


“Banging on an empty stomach (after a few beers) and hearing the “slosh slosh slosh” of the liquid in your stomachs bouncing around” – GenPeeWeeSherman


“The awkward stuff is the best! I have 2 single beds next to eachother to make a king or queen size (not sure which one it is) and while we were busy, the beds started to seperate and we fell in between getting stuck. I tried squirming back up while we were both laughing which made getting back up even harder. man the awkwardness is great!” – jedi5676


“When he’s the only one to finish and you feel awkward asking him to do more for you to finish too.” – Yaqeel


“When the dog jumps up on the bed without you noticing until his cold wet nose is sniffing your asshole…” – jspr124


“When you start having sex in the middle of a movie, and you have to get up mid sex to turn off the TV lol. Oddly specific I know, but this is something that has happened multiple times. Especially when its a horror movie, shit is distracting!” – generallyunconscious

Read the rest of the thread here.

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