To state the obvious: Parenting is hard.
Kids are messy, unreasonable, and have partially-formed brains. Taking care of them requires patience, intelligence, and determination.
Of course, thanks to the miracle of reproduction some people possess none of these qualities but have kids anyway. And the rest of us have to suffer for it.
Here are a few examples of some terrible parents and the public shaming they both received and richly deserved.
1. This unwanted dinner and a movie
2. This front-row diva
3. This bear-confiscator
4. This very long flight
5. This quick and dirty diaper changer
6. This dickish sticker
7. These play area seat hogs
8. This public pooper
And the asshole of the day award goes to the parent who left two LOADED diapers nestled in the rocks along the Barton Springs spillway only about 20 feet from a trash bin.
byu/Coebrah inAustin
9. This balloon bringer
10. This kid who was not in the upright and locked position
Spotted this kid next to me jumping and climbing on his seat while the plane was landing. Parents pls
byu/LeDeferon intrashy
11.This parent who shouldn’t be a parent
Somebody posted this on a different sub, but I think it belongs here.
byu/Ghetzi intrashy
12. These movie theater miscreants
13. This scene stealer
14. This yoghurt nibbler, or parent of a yoghurt nibbler