This Map Of “The Worst Attraction In Every State” Is Causing Some Debate (15 Pics)

Hello, I’m Matt Shirley and I make a new chart every day (or at least I try to.)

While that may not seem like a huge accomplishment, I assure you coming up with an original idea consistently is no easy feat. Plus, then I have to illustrate them. All while trying not to get distracted by the Internet.

A few years ago I started an Instagram account with the goal of creating a chart every day. I started out sketching charts on a dry erase board, but soon evolved to digital charts. Now I am commissioned to make charts for cash money. And I even have a Patreon, ahem if you want to check it out.


Here’s the chart that started it all:


And a few of my favorites…


God, I love a good Venn:


Venn, Venn, Venn…


They can look a little more professional when digital, but I like both TBH.


As my following has grown, I’ve been able to crowdsource data to make charts more accurate.

One of my favorite examples of this is my most recent map chart when I asked followers to weigh in on the worst tourist attraction in their states.

Now, this isn’t my first rodeo when it comes to the highly divisive state map polling. First, I did every state’s “least favorite other state.”


And then just “The Worst Thing About Every State…”


Most recently I decided to poll followers about the worst attractions in their state, and well, it’s causing some debate.

Now, every state has something going on for people to see when they’re driving through to something more interesting.

Some states are perhaps TOO full of stuff to see and the people who live there are always having to host and guide guests to these terrible attractions. I can’t tell if it was exhausted locals or disappointed tourists who weighed, but they’re all arguing about the results.


The map has sparked quite a debate because some people are taking criticism of their state’s main attractions pretty personally. Some profess to even like their horrible attractions that everyone else hates. It’s called state pride, baby. Here are some close-ups, so you can see if you’ve checked off every location on the list or need to avoid them.

Here’s the North:


Here’s the South:


To the East:


And On the West:


Here are some very angry opinions, especially from the people of Illinois, who that anyone insulting The Bean in Chicago is banned from eating deep-dish pizza for life:

I don’t have any strong opinions about most of these attractions, not even Times Square, which is at least a real experience—a bad one, but memorable! As a tourist, however, I’ve never felt more baffled or unimpressed and pretty grossed out as I was when I saw the Gum Wall entirely by accident in Seattle. Thankfully, coronavirus has probably made it a health hazard.

More interesting U.S. maps:

Matt Shirley

I made my first Instagram chart on May 29, 2017, after deciding I would try to make a chart every day for as long as I could do it. If you're like me, you're not a huge fan of a lot of "words" so visual representations have always been a good fit. I hope you enjoy them!