People With Penises Are Revealing What They Hate About Them (27 Posts)

21. Gotta air it out

“Junk just gets funky sometimes, no matter how hygienic you are. Some baby powder and air goes a long way.”


22. Painful erections

“Sometimes getting an erection that’s so hard it can be nearly painful. Or not be able to get it up for sex, even though you’re super into the person and attracted to them. I’m not talking ED issues either, just once in a while it doesn’t want to perform, and it can be awkward.”


23. Cum itself

“Can’t have an orgasm without a bunch of white stuff coming out.”


24. Chafing

“When you feel it rubbing against your pants when you’re running.”


25. So pushy!

“Have you ever had a dog that was really pushy about wanting you to pet them, but you don’t really want to at the moment? It’s like that.”


26. Such bad ideas…

“It can influence some really poor decisions.”


27. But no matter what you thought…

“I’d say the dick isn’t the worst part. Balls are 100x worse.”
