People Share The Things They Regret Doing With Their Significant Other


“One time we were making out early in the relationship and I paused the session to ask something. He, disappointed at the interruption, said ‘you know, you’re bad at making out’ then I watched his brain catch up to his mouth and an expression of WhatHaveIDoneOhNo InstantRegret cross his face. I laughed my ass off. We’ve been together 5 years. I have not forgotten.” — mamblepamble


“We met in high school so I pretty much did anything I could to impress her. She said she didn’t like bananas so for almost 6 years I’ve pretended to despise bananas and have to turn in an Oscar worthy performance whenever I’m around her and we see one. I’m in too deep now, I have to eat them in secret. It’s a heavy burden.” — BA_GA_PA


“Not my SO, but my date which was a transfer student from abroad still learning my language. We were casually talking birthdays, and hers happened to be in September, so I asked her ‘are you a virgo?’ problem is, that in my language we use the same word for virgo and virgin, so I looked up and she was looking at me terrified for a second before I did an instant regret and explained that in my language virgo and virgin are the same word.” — TheHooligan95


“We were taking a shower together. I was SUPER gassy. I opened the shower curtain to fart. It smelled TERRIBLE and the smell wasn’t going away. Turns out I had sharted on the edge of the shower. My SO handled it very well but immediately got out.” — FantasticBuilder91


“Sometimes I get an idea that just feels hilarious (but isn’t.) One time, I took my girlfriend of two and a half years to a fancy restaurant. The napkins were black, and so for some reason I got the idea that I could fold it up like an engagement ring box and fake propose. So I did. I laugh to myself as I fold up the napkin into a box shape. I really quickly dropped out of my seat on one knee at the edge of the table and said something like ‘you’re my best friend and the love of my life.’ And in that instant I knew what I had done. I saw her light up to the highest of highs, and then immediately drop into the lowest of lows. The rest of the dinner was awkward, but she forgave me. We got engaged for real a year later, and we’ve been married four years now and are expecting a little girl in January! It all worked out in spite of me.” — Joseph_Kokiri


“Other POV but one time my bf was laying his head on my stomach while we were watching tv and goes ‘your tummy is like a water bed mattress.’. Not sure how that ‘compliment’ is suppose to go.” — clearoctopus128


“I was just roasting people in the car I was in and I without thinking said that she had teeth like Freddie Mercury. She wouldn’t talk to me for the rest of the day.” — Wacmac1


‘We hung our bachelor degrees on the living room wall. One day she asks: why does your get to hang above mine. I blurted: ‘because I actually use mine’…It has since been replaced by her PhD and what’s left of my sarcasm.’ – ithaka21


“Relationship was brand brand new, we weren’t even official yet, I decided to ask her ‘what’s your name’ during sex. I knew her name, but I wanted her to say her name so I could reply with ‘Hi [gf-name], I’m horny.’ I never considered the implications of my words.” — OurSignOfHumanity


“Things were getting hot and heavy with my wife after a night out drinking with friends. In my infinite drunk wisdom, I thought I’d be a good idea to bite her cheek. That killed the mood. Don’t bite faces people.” — manablight