awkward celebrity encounter, awkward celebrity interaction

It Turns Out A Lot Of People Have Had Embarrassing Encounters With Celebrities (31 Tweets)

At some point in your life, you may meet a celebrity. When you do, you may lose your mind. You may not recognize them. You may end up smashing their Blackberry. I know all those things can happen because of this Twitter game inspired by user @yusufyuie, who says in their bio that they’re an events marketer and manager.

They wrote in a tweet that they have a lot of awkward celebrity interactions under their belt which makes sense for someone in events. But they want to know everyone else’s.

“What’s ya most awkward or interesting celebrity interaction you have had?” they inquired.

The responses are pretty mind-blowing. While a few of the answers are sweet and make the celebrities and people involved look good, a bunch of them are DEFINITELY NOT. They’re the kinds of stories that will haunt you forever and then flash in your mind on your death bed, causing you to cringe one last time. At least they can be used for a brief moment of Twitter clout. Scroll below for a lot of secondhand embarrassment and a couple of “aw” moments to sweeten it all.









