Woman Who Made Her Boyfriend Pass Beyoncé Exam To Date Her Just Had A Beyoncé-Themed Wedding

Woman Who Made Her Boyfriend Pass Beyoncé Quiz To Date Her Just Had A Beyoncé-Themed Wedding

Imagine being such a superfan that you give your boyfriend a Beyoncé quiz in order to assess whether or not the relationship can progress.

Imagine being the boyfriend who must pass the Beyoncé quiz and deciding that’s a totally fine thing to do. 

beyonce quiz
beyonce quiz

Now, imagine what a wedding between these two interesting people would look like. It would probably include lots of Beyoncé, right? Indeed. 

Allie Davis, who went viral back in 2015 for making her boyfriend Ty take a homemade quiz on Beyoncé and some other pop stars, recently married him. And the event was a tribute to love as well as Beyonce

“He proposed on our college campus at Miami University when we were going back to visit friends,” Allie told BuzzFeed.


She said the wedding drew inspiration from Beyoncé concerts and had “video interludes throughout the night.”

“My husband, family, and wedding party walked down [the aisle] to ‘Halo’ and I walked down to his cousin singing ‘Ave Maria,'” she said. 

Their decorations were also Beyoncé -themed. 

“My mom made candles for all the guests with beehives on them (for BeyHive). Our cake topper was a giant B (for our last name, but I told my husband that it really stands for Beyoncé and he always rolls his eyes at that),” the 25-year-old added. 


Allie has no regrets about giving Ty the Beyoncé quiz all those years ago. 

“I’m a huge prankster and it’s even more funny because my husband knew absolutely nothing about Bey before we got together,” she said. 


“As much as he hates it, he’s basically an honorary BeyHive member with how much he listens to me talk about Bey. He has seen all of her documentaries, heard all her albums, and now says he definitely respects her work ethic and drive.” 

Folks remembered the story about the quiz and were glad to see a happy ending. 

Perhaps a Blue Ivy-themed baby shower is in the future? 

Patricia Grisafi

Patricia Grisafi, PhD, is a freelance writer and educator. Her work has appeared in Salon, Vice, Bitch, Bustle, Broadly, The Establishment, and elsewhere. She is passionate about pit bull rescue, cursed objects, and designer sunglasses.