megan fox kids

Megan Fox Blasts Ex Brian Austin Green For Posting Pics Of Their Kid On Instagram

Parents have to make choices about when, how, or if they choose to share pictures of their children on social media. Some refuse, explaining that they care about their children’s privacy and autonomy. Others are happy to share images of their kids, saying there’s no harm. For celebrities, this issue can be even more fraught. Actress and mom of three Megan Fox recently took to the comments section of her ex Brian Austin Green’s social media, and she was not pleased that he was sharing pictures of their child Journey to the public. 

On Sunday, Green shared a photo of himself and their four-year-old son Journey River dressed in costumes on Instagram. 

“Hope you all had a good Halloween!!” Green captioned the post. 

Fox commented on the image that she was not pleased with Green’s sharing of their son’s picture with the public. 

“Why does Journey have to be in this picture? It’s not hard to crop them out. Or choose photos that they aren’t in,” Fox said. “I had a great halloween with them yesterday, and yet notice how absent they are from my social media. I know you love your kids. But I don’t know why you can’t stop using them to posture [sic] via Instagram.” 

“You’re so intoxicated with feeding the pervasive narrative that I’m an absent mother, and you are the perennial, eternally dedicated dad of the year. You have them half of the time. Congratulations you truly are a remarkable human! Why do you need the internet to echo back to you what should be inexhaustibly evident in the way your children love you?”

Green took the image down and re-shared it, cropping out Journey. 

Green is dad to four children: 18-year old Kassius whom he shares with ex Vanessa Marcil, eight-year-old Noah Shannon, six-year-old Bodhi Ransom, and Journey whom he shares with Fox. 

Marcil chimed in to support Fox on Instagram, writing, “Like I said… the truth always comes out in the end…” which was captioned with the hashtag #ImWithYouSister.

Fox is currently dating Machine Gun Kelly. Green has said he has no animosity towards Fox. 

“We had an amazing 15-year relationship. We have three beautiful kids. We shared a lot together and we really went through a lot together,” Green continued. “Right now the paths are different and she is on her path doing what she feels she needs to be doing to be happy and I’m on my path doing what I feel I need to do to be happy and it’s not for a lack of love for the kids or lack of being responsible.”

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Patricia Grisafi

Patricia Grisafi, PhD, is a freelance writer and educator. Her work has appeared in Salon, Vice, Bitch, Bustle, Broadly, The Establishment, and elsewhere. She is passionate about pit bull rescue, cursed objects, and designer sunglasses.