marriage story meme

That “Marriage Story” Fight Scene Is Now Plastering The Internet In Memes

In the Golden Globe-nominated Marriage Story, Noah Baumbach’s new film, we see Scarlett Johansson and Adam Driver as a married couple, mired in tension and seeking a divorce. The film explores the emotional fallout of a failing marriage (with children), the wild legal process and effects of divorce, and the relationship between parent and child. A fist goes through a wall at some point.

After a scene from the movie was released — without context — the Internet exploded. Is Adam Driver overacting? Is the scene realistic? Is this movie too painful for people to watch? Would they get an Oscar?

The Netflix-released movie is garnering tons of chatter and talks of awards, but mostly it made its mark on the Internet for bringing us the perfect material for a meme (which prompts the question: Was this an elaborate social marketing strategy?)

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There’s also some obligatory cross-breeding between Star Wars and Marriage Story because of course there is.

marriage story meme, marriage story memes
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marriage story meme, marriage story memes
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But mostly, people are just using the ‘fight scene’ template’ to meme-ify the Internet because that’s where we’re at as a species:


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marriage story meme, marriage story memes
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