“What Movie Death Scene Is Seared Into Your Memory?“—40 Replies


When they crush Piggie in “Lord of the Flies”. I was probably too young to watch. Also, the scientist who gets killed in the elevator in “Damian, The Omen II”—u/ohbrewer


Leo’s death in the departed. I was so unprepared.—u/Right_Ahn

sad movie deaths, sad movie death scenes, movie death scenes


Sad movie death…Artax—u/savethebooks


The shoe in Roger Rabbit :(—u/He_is_legend86


Thomas from My Girl. (Macaulay Culkin). —u/ApexCreative



The baby gorilla in the animated Tarzan. What the hell, Disney?—u/Tiqui


No question. The scene in Casino where Joe Pesci watches his brother get beaten to death with aluminum baseball bats. The pinging sound haunts me to this day.—u/troyi

sad movie deaths, sad movie death scenes, movie death scenes


The Green Mile. The whole thing, even down to the damn mouse. That movie was the first that ever made me cry and broke through my depression. No film will ever overwrite that one.—u/Schrodingers_Nap


Eva Green’s character drowning in Casino Royale. Having James Bond watching her as she about to drown horribly has always stuck with me—u/TheGibMan


The one secretary lady from Jurassic world… all she wanted was to plan her wedding and not drag around two snotty brats all day—u/mcase19

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