33 People Share The Fan Theories They Believe Are “100% True”


“”Shut Up and Dance” by Walk the Moon and “Hello” by Katy Perry are retellings of the same incident viewed from opposite sides.
A tragic miscommunication where Katy thinks that she is being explicit that she isn’t into him and just came to dance and Nicholas is interpreting everything she says as a heartfelt declaration of love and imagining their life together.” –kitskill


“Courage the dog is exaggerating normal occurrences into scary things cuz he’s a dog.” –Mecmecmecmecmec


“This is a little out there, but hear me out…

The year 2015 we see in Back to the Future 2 is what would have happened if not for Chernobyl.

Which leads to the argument that something in the movies (specifically 2 and 3) caused Chernobyl to happen. As you know, the year the characters are from is 1985, with Chernobyl happening in 1986.

My take is, learning of the Libyans attempt to procure plutonium, the Soviets send a spy to Hill Valley to learn more in order to prevent destabilizing relations during the cold war. The spy arrives late, and in the timeline established by just the first movie, leaves. This is the timeline we see in the second movie, which is eventually erased.

However, Doc Brown meddles with time again, and causes the events of the second and thus third movie. The spy witnesses the end of the third movie with the flying train, and assumes it’s a new sort of aircraft. He investigates the scene after the main characters depart and finds wreckage of the DeLorean. Among the wreckage is some parts of the destroyed fusion reactor.

Relaying findings to the Soviets, they get the impression that the US is significantly ahead of them in nuclear development. To combat this, they aggressively green light a bunch of nuclear projects, including a risky test that results in the Chernobyl meltdown.

The resulting event scares people the world over and hinders nuclear research and progression. With lack of funding and roadblocks to more nuclear proliferation, fusion technology is never developed. Thus hampered, the timeline turns into ours.

In the 2015 timeline shown in BttF2, the nuclear research breakthroughs make the rest of the technology possible, including flying cars and hover boards. With some developments happening in the late 80s, the economy is lifted and the downturn of the early 90s does not happen. This has an effect of extending the garish fashion of the 80s forward, hence why the clothes look different as well.” –Unabombadil


“Sebastian from Stardew Valley is a natural redhead.” –insertcaffeine


Caillou is a cancer patient. There’s no other explanation for why his parents put up with the little shit and his incredibly terrible behavior.” –Worried_Ad2589


“At the end of The Thing, MacReady has gasoline in the whiskey bottle. He made all the bottles into molotov cocktails. He knew he was going to die with the thing, or likely from it, so there was no reason for him to save an entire bottle of just whiskey on his person when that could have been another weapon. At the end, he offers the bottle to Childs, who drinks it as if nothing was wrong. The Thing wouldn’t know what whiskey tastes like, and reveals Childs as being replaced. MacReady even gives a smirk after he drinks from the bottle.” –DKFShredder


“Kevin from the Office is secretly involved in a money laundering scheme. I can’t imagine a guy as smart as him saying so dumb otherwise.” –A_Nerd_With_A_life


“House died in the fire in the final episode. The last ten minutes where he rides off into the sunset with his best friend Wilson are his final hallucination.” –originalchaosinabox


“Zion is a part of the Matrix.” –kaisurniwurer


“Mr. Bean is an alien. That would explain his weird behavior and why he falls out of the sky at the beginning of every episode.” –AlphaNepali

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