
Moms On Facebook Are Giggling At Target’s Santa Cookie Design Fail

Mom Facebook Groups can be very special places—and one batch of naughty holiday cookies has been making the rounds on these groups. Apparently, the boots on Target’s Santa cookies, which come three in a pack (one cookie is his face, one cookie his belly, and the third cookie his boots), look just a bit phallic. To be honest, it took me a while to make the connection between Santa’s boots and a penis, but I am a Tired Mom who forgets where her cell phone is every two minutes. 


The cookies have caused some controversy amongst moms who maybe don’t have that much to do. Mom of two Suzie Fromer told the New York Post that she “would not send these to school” because of the “definite design fail.”

She added: “I think it might even be disgruntled employee sabotage.”

Fromer posted a picture of the cookies on her Facebook page as a joke, and she quickly got some attention. Her neighbor, Mai Spurlock Sykes, also a mom of two, said, “I peered in and thought: ‘What the hell is Santa’s penis doing there?'” 

Nicole Miller of Knoxville, Tennessee, a stay-at-home mother of four children, bought a pack and recommended the cookies to friends: “Such a great treat to have on hand for parties…or school events,” she wrote on her Facebook group. 

But then her friends pointed out that Santa’s boots looked like a dick, so Miller is probably rethinking the endorsement. Or maybe not, who knows. I know a lot of people who would be delighted to have Santa penis cookies around the holidays

Target told The Post that this was the first time they heard about the issue: “We have not received any feedback directly on this item. The design is intended to represent Santa’s boots. We appreciate the feedback and will take it into consideration moving forward.”

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