McDonald’s Employees Are Sharing The Secrets They Learned While Working There (19 Stories)


“I learned that if I have time to lean, I have time to clean.” — Ambitious-Baseball84


“For the one I worked at in high school. Burgers are kept in a warming area for no more than 15 minutes then thrown out and new ones are made. You get a free meal from anything except the salads. Meal is a sandwich, medium fries and a medium drink. At the end of the night all the cooked meat is thrown out. If you want you can use it to make burgers and take them home with you. Specific tools and grill section for cooking chicken vs beef to make sure they don’t cross for those customers who don’t eat beef. The Hindu coworkers were very vocal about this rule if you worked the grill.” — Radthereptile


“Worked at McDonald’s Australia. Back when we had the old cheeseburger buns, before McDonald’s ‘got healthy’ we used to scrunch up the buns and deep fry in the Fry vat. Covered them in sugar, and you end up with something tasting like doughnuts.” — SonofRontgen.


“I don’t know if this counts, but the food was not gross at all. Like our kitchen was super clean, our meat was frozen and cheap but it was never gross, our veggies were always good. The only thing ‘gross’ was the fact that if you worked the french fries, you would go home covered in oil, but the actual oil wasn’t gross. Maybe I just worked at a nicer McDonalds, but we weren’t in the nicest of areas.” — KittenSample


“I started working at McDs when I was 15.. the secret is that it’s probably one of the cleanest restaurants in your city. The standardizations and routine practices leave little room for employees to think for themselves. It was a way cleaner restaurant than the 30-50$ per person place I would work at later.” — Hi_Vincent


“The big mac is just a double cheese burger with 1000 island dressing, lettuce and an extra piece of bread. If you order a double add lettuce and big mac sauce, you get the same thing with less bread and cheaper price.” — CrazyHorse_CFH


“I can never forget working breakfast. Those sandwiches need to be cheese, then meat, then egg. If the cheese is next to the egg it makes the egg slip out.” — thebluick


Sauces for sandwiches have the craziest dispensers. Ketchup and mustard are in these really rudimentary plastic funnel things that have a paddle in the handle, when you squeeze it gravity pushes just the right amount of sauce through holes. Doesn’t seem like it’d work well but it does if you apply the proper amount of jigglin.

The Mac sauce, mayo, and tartar though, they’re in basically caulk tubes that get loaded into basically caulk guns. You pull the trigger on the handle and a reeeeaally satisfying ratchety clanking delivers a powerfully saucy surprise for the awaiting buns. Problem is, it takes a bit of finesse because if you hit that trigger too hard you’ll blow the bun and the wad of creme right through the condiment station and onto the wall 8 feet away. No joke, the first couple tarter splurts of a fresh tube came out so hot I’d fire a shot or two in the trash to avoid premature splatulation during the lunch rush. The first salvo, properly elevated and adjusted for wind, could clear the whole kitchen and take out the McInfantry on the cash register.—thomsomc


“I learned why most McDonald’s ice cream machines are always “down” or “broken”

It’s time consuming and tedious and no one wants to do it, and they rarely have time to anyway.

The machine requires two different cleaning processes. One, which is done by hand and requires a dozen time-consuming steps to take everything apart and then reassemble. It takes about an hour to do this. And the other process is an automatic cleaning cycle which runs through the system and takes 4 hours to complete! And this has to be done once a day, if it’s in use.

If you’re going to get ice cream at a McDonald’s, you’ll have the most luck at the 24 hour locations, because they typically run the cleaning cycle somewhere between midnight and 6am, because that’s when they also have enough down time to go through the one hour manual cleaning procedure. But if your location is only open during peak hours, the machine might be “down” forever because it’s hard to find time to clean it during the rush.”—Russare

Featured Image: Pexels

Patricia Grisafi

Patricia Grisafi, PhD, is a freelance writer and educator. Her work has appeared in Salon, Vice, Bitch, Bustle, Broadly, The Establishment, and elsewhere. She is passionate about pit bull rescue, cursed objects, and designer sunglasses.