21 Chaotic Boyfriends And Girlfriends Who, Well, I Guess Someone Had To Date

Most of us know the pain of a bad relationship, or at the very least, living with someone who makes the home environment awful. Chaotic boyfriends and girlfriends who live like they were raised in the wild.

This group of reddit posts is from people who are fed up with the living conditions their partners force upon them, thus documenting and submitting them for judgement on the internet.

So, let’s judge these chaotic boyfriends and girlfriends for living like only slightly more evolved raccoons.

1. This girlfriend who likes to eat the center of the cheesecake.

chaotic boyfriends and girlfriends - cheesecake center

2. Girlfriend with a substantial almost empty ketchup bottle collection.

chaotic boyfriends and girlfriends - ketchup collection

3. I guess they technically replaced the roll?

chaotic boyfriends and girlfriends - lazy toilet paper change

4. This girlfriend who was asked to cut the potatoes up, and bit them all in half instead. WTF

chaotic boyfriends and girlfriends - bit potatoes in half

5. A girlfriend who found the only wrong way to eat pizza.

chaotic boyfriends and girlfriends - eating pizza wrong

6. This boyfriend who never learned to clean up his messes.

chaotic boyfriends and girlfriends - messy boyfriend recycling

7. A boyfriend who technically didn’t finish the chips, so didn’t throw them away.

chaotic boyfriends and girlfriends - didn't finish chips

8. You almost put the soap back where it goes. You were so close.

chaotic boyfriends and girlfriends - almost put soap away

9. This girlfriend really playing with fire, or water, or whatever is in that cup.

chaotic boyfriends and girlfriends - not a coaster

10. They “refilled” the dish soap smh

chaotic boyfriends and girlfriends - won't refill soap

11. The site after a recently cleaned bathroom sink.

chaotic boyfriends and girlfriends - dirty sink

12. He was at work when these exploded in the freezer, of course.

chaotic boyfriends and girlfriends - freezer mess

13. Why can’t she just throw the shells out?

chaotic boyfriends and girlfriends - girlfriend won't throw out egg shells

14. Boyfriend who passive-aggressively restocked the toilet paper.

chaotic boyfriends and girlfriends - boyfriend asked to replace toilet paper

15. Door hooks be damned!

chaotic boyfriends and girlfriends - towel on door

16. He hung this clock to time could be even more annoying?

chaotic boyfriends and girlfriends - clock hung poorly

17. Must be nice to live this care-free.

chaotic boyfriends and girlfriends - laptop on edge

18. Girlfriend who ate every chocolate chip out of the cookies.

chaotic boyfriends and girlfriends - chocolate chip-less cookies

19. That’s not an acceptable dishwasher load.

chaotic boyfriends and girlfriends - improper dishwasher load

20. Boyfriend fell asleep while “cooking.”

chaotic boyfriends and girlfriends - burnt food

21. Living with someone who thinks this sink is “fine.”

chaotic boyfriends and girlfriends - dirty sink