Ryan Reynolds Got The Woman From That Peloton Ad To Star In A Trolling Parody Commercial

Peloton’s “funny on accident” Christmas ad now has a “funny on purpose,” thanks to the internet’s hottest master-troll, Ryan Reynolds.

Oh, and if you haven’t seen the Peloton bike ad, basically here’s what happens: a wife is gifted an exercise bike by her husband for Christmas, then proceeds to make a year-long vlog about her experience. 

Critics (including RuinMyWeek) have mercilessly mocked the ad as it pretty much implies that the husband wants his already thin and gorgeous wife to step it up a notch and get her fat ass in shape.


Well, now Ryan Reynolds has released his own trolling parody on Instagram.

The parody ad, which Reynolds is using to promote his own Aviation Gin, not only pokes fun at the Peloton ad but also gives the actress who starred in it, Sean Hunter, the ability to distance herself from the controversy. 

“My image is being associated with sexism, with the patriarchy, with abuse, with these words that I am seeing people write about me. That’s not who I am,” Hunter told GMA this week.

I mean, good. She’s just trying to pay her bills as an actress, not save the fucking children.

Hopefully, this parody shifts the blame back to Peleton.

More Ryan Reynolds:

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