Woman’s Story About Her Parents Buying Her BF The “Ugliest Christmas Present” Goes Viral

It’s hard enough shopping for Christmas gifts, but in a pandemic? Yikes. What if the thing you think is perfect arrives and looks like crap?

One Redditor started a conversation on Twitter about ugly Christmas presents with a post about the ugly teapot their parents bought for their boyfriend.

I mean, this teapot isn’t for everybody—but maybe they can laugh about it in the future. Or maybe it’s the perfect gift! 

“My boyfriend is a big tea lover so a couple of months ago I was talking to my mum of how I wanted to give him a tea pot for Christmas. I haven’t brought it yet because I was trying to get my boyfriend to kinda tell me what he wanted,” the OP writes.


“So I found the perfect one today…and asked my mum what she thought…and she told me she had already bought him a tea pot…which is not that dramatic because I told her this a long time ago and she probably thought I was gonna be giving him something else because I never brought it up again…”

“…but THIS is the teapot they bought him.” 



In my opinion, the teapot vaguely resembles the Scream mask but goofier. Anyway, it’s not my cup of tea, but who knows—maybe her boyfriend will love it? 

Twitter responded to the post with advice for the OP and colorful commentary on the teapot. 

Happy shopping!

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