creative designs, clever designs

“Ah, I See What You Did There”—20 Clever Designs

We cover a lot of human fallibility here at Ruin My Week. We can’t help it, people just keep doing dumb, funny stuff. But sometimes humans get it right, impressively so. Sometimes they use that overgrown monkey brain for something other than Karening or getting questionable tattoos.

Such is the case with these design feats we dug up over at Reddit’s own hub for aesthetics-based drooling, r/DesignPorn

Here we have examples of people combining form and function to startle, delight, or make others stop and think.

This is humanity at its most clever and feng shui.

1. This goldfish-shaped teabag

creative designs, clever designs

2. These next-level bike racks in Kansas City

creative designs, clever designs

3. This optometrist’s office with the best sneeze guard ever

creative designs, clever designs

4. This devilish door hook

creative designs, clever designs

5. This kick-drum sanitizer station that’s both badass and hands-free

creative designs, clever designs

6. This never-ending railing

creative designs, clever designs

7. This excellent use of an ugly wire

creative designs, clever designs

8. This “Black Mirror” ad

creative designs, clever designs

9. This necessary breakfast table addition

creative designs, clever designs

10. This business card from the world’s funniest divorce attorney

creative designs, clever designs

Ruin My Week

If you're wondering where to find funny pictures on the Internet? Wonder no more. Ruin My Week is a place where you can escape all of the noise and negativity out there with funny pictures, funny photos, funniest tweets, funny stories and really anything else you need to keep you laughing.