20 People Share The “All-Too-Common” Traits That Make Someone Unattractive To Them

While everyone has very specific things that they find unattractive in a potential partner, are there traits or characteristics that universally turn people off? More than you would think. Redditors gathered to share what all-too-common traits turn them off when approaching a possible romantic relationship. Turns out that a ton of people hate it when a potential partner is selfish, rude to others, obsessed with their social media presence, define themselves by antiquated gender notions, and push you around. Who would have guessed? Anyway, if you’re interested in pursuing a relationship, check this list out. Hopefully you won’t see your potential partner—or yourself—in any of these descriptions. 


“People being obsessed with their social media presence.” — theragamuffinman 


“Overtalking. Not having a give and take in the conversation.” — tomcatx2


“The whole ‘let me push all your buttons, you’re wrong, I’m right, I do it because I think it’s funny to rile you up’ schtick. Then repeat it immediately.” — jackssweetheart


“Self absorbed behavior… the Kardashian/Housewives of ??? Syndrome. You are NOT the star of some reality show, stop acting like it.” — nottheotherone4


“Always on their phone. This shit annoys me so much, I want to talk to someone while looking at them. When they are constantly on their phone it makes me feel like I am talking to myself and its awkward as fuck.” — rocknrollhatesme


“Guys that find general housework to be demeaning and beneath them so they expect women to do it for them…while they sit there…doing absolutely nothing. How can someone be comfortable watching someone do absolutely everything for them?” — Ally_989


“People who do things for ‘clout’ and don’t actually care for being genuine until they need something from you.” — dennaleia


“Being rude to wait staff.” — nolindlitch


“The inability to admit they are wrong or when they apologize and then justify their actions.” — BarneyFifesSchlong


“Pushing you to do something you don’t want to because ‘everyone does it and it’s fun.'” — Wildchickenfart