“What’s A Double Standard That Disgusts You?“—34 Replies


“As a 17 year old I am expected to act like an adult but treated like child.” –LargePPman_


“The employee should give two weeks notice, anything else is unprofessional. But the employer will actively obscure their intentions until the very last minute.” –Jetpack-Katt


“Dogs can bite us but we can’t bite them.” –sayacunai


“Basically being against violence but making comments about how men will get raped in prison. It’s disgusting and it’s so mainstream. Every cop show makes some comment about prison rape being okay. Even shows like SVU where their entire storyline should be about protecting people.” –_biggerthanthesound_


“Those romantic comedies with the cliché beautiful and smart woman married to the dumbest fuck of a guy who is lucky to have her. Swap the roles and see people flip out.” –Devistator


“Bisexual women are sexualized. Bisexual men are shunned.” –Jack_Pecker


I f-cking yearn for the day when someone going to a therapist to support your mental health is treated socially how going to the gym is for your physical health. Like just imagine if in a room full of dudes (am a dude) someone said they really made gains in therapy and the homies were supportive. It would legit make the world a better place but somehow taking care of mental health gets looked down on a lot. Fuck that.” –SpiffAZ


“Business should do whatever it takes to get ahead, but if the employee tries to make their life better, or find a new job, they are lazy and ungrateful.” –CupofTuffles


“Child predators. Both men and women should receive the same charges.” –Illimani_again


“I’m a straight male. I went to a gay bar with some gay women and their straight married women friends. One of the straight women was being basically sexually harassed by another gay woman there, to the point of being chased around the table, all the while saying she was married to a guy and she wanted nothing to do with it. The whole bar was laughing. If I did that to a woman in a regular bar, I’d get my ass kicked, thrown out, or arrested.” –Hebshesh