“What’s A Double Standard That Disgusts You?“—34 Replies


“Benefiting from somebody performing a service while shitting on individual’s who perform said service.” –ResilientRunner


“I was at the park working out a few years ago and on a bench was a couple arguing. The girl proceeds to slap the crap out of her boyfriend. She then goes for another, but the dude blocked her and held her wrist. The girl then burst into tears and questions why he hurt her like that. To myself I was thinking, wait you can hit him but when he defends himself its wrong?” –RRDude1000


“Having opinions on styles. Was at a bar with some friends and the girls were making fun of this guys hair. Then a girl came in with the buzzed side of the head thing and I commented that I wasn’t a fan of that style and they got super defensive for her and telling me she can do whatever she wants and I can go fuck myself.” –whateverisnttaken22


“Know a lot of gaming knowledge and lore? OMG, what a geek. Know every member of every Super Bowl and World Series winning team? What a cool guy!” –Sethor

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