If you’re curious about something, it’s best to just ask. However, sometimes you might feel awkward asking particular questions — especially about the experience of being a different sex.
On Reddit, men are posing questions to women that they’ve always wanted to ask but never had the opportunity—or the courage.
Stuff about sex, obviously, but also more serious things—like if women are always worried about their personal safety.
Oh, and what’s the deal with decorative pillows you can’t actually use?
“Do you like having boobs?” — manoffiji1
“I’ve always heard that perfumed feminine hygiene products are universally hated by woman kind. True or false?” — Nice_Bake
“When you cross your legs, does it feel like you’re squishing anything at all? Or is it entirely without feeling?” — lazarus870
“Do women make as many jokes about boobs/vaginas in the same way that men make constant dick and ball jokes?” — icerope1199
“Since you roughly know when you’re expecting your period, do you ever use preemptive tampons or pads? Or does the period start before you use products?” — mcdunna4
“We sometimes to get random boners. Do you ever get randomly wet?” — Digibollocks
“Without meaning to flex or anything, what’s the best way to turn a woman down if you’re not interested? I’m sure that it varies from person to person, but it really sucks being made out to be the villain when really I just wasn’t into you.” — SpareUmbrella
“When participating in the online dating apps do you read the profile or is it all about the pictures. What sort of info are you after?” — Dangoso
“Serious question: In your daily life. How often do you feel unsafe because of a man? In what’s sense do you feel unsafe? Afraid you’re gonna get beat? Sexually assaulted? Something else? Does this fear come from personal experience or stories you heard about others?” — Lorneas
“How do you manage to clean your a***s with giant nails?” — hashplayer