25 Men Who Proposed And Got Rejected Reveal What Happened To Them After

There’s nothing quite as painful as rejection, especially if it’s marriage we’re talking about. No man proposes to their partner expecting to be turned down, so when they are, they are often left surprised and hurt. But life goes on!

A question recently asked by Reddit user u/jagaraujo centers on what happens to these men after their proposals were rejected: “Men of reddit who proposed and she said no, what happened afterwards with your life?”

Many of these men dodged a bullet and ended up with partners they were better suited for. Some of them just kept asking, and it worked! Some of them kept asking, and it didn’t. Read on to see what happened to these 25 men in their lives after their proposals were rejected: 

rejected proposal, rejected proposal reddit, rejected proposal stories  


She had cancer. I said we should get married because I had full medical coverage from my work. She said no, and over time we grew apart. Haven’t talked to her in 15 years, don’t know if she died.—u/axnu


We lived together for another six years until she changed her mind and told me that I should ask again. We were engaged for over a year and got married in 1991. We are still married, have three children, and are both still very much in love.—u/h2f


Dated a woman for over two years and popped the question. First time she said “I don’t know”. A couple months later I asked her again, she said “Maybe.” I was pretty bent out of shape. But then I found out she was sleeping with several of my friends so I dodged a bullet there really.—u/gardibolt

rejected proposal, rejected proposal reddit, rejected proposal stories


My mum actually said no to my dad’s proposal when they were younger. Not because they weren’t in love, but because she wasn’t sure if it was something she actually wanted to do, rather than something that society expected of her or whatever…

They still stayed together and had kids (hence why you’re reading this now!). And then when my dad was terminally ill a few years ago my mum plucked up the courage and asked him.

Just to get her back after all those years he said no- before taking her up on the offer a few days later.

He died a happy man.—Priestinator


I asked her right out of high school, but she wasn’t ready. We stayed together, went to college at the same school, spent the first year in separate dorms, then moved in together. Got married a few years later. Our 20th is coming up.—u/literalfeces


My mom told my dad no when he proposed to her even though they were already living together. She thought he was impotent and it wasn’t until she got pregnant that she said yes. In retrospect, I wish my parents had decided early in their relationship that they can barely stand each other.—u/Hartacus1


My husband asked 3 times in the span of a couple months. We had dated for 3 years. He was ready, i wanted to graduate college first.

Also: dont “propose” by handing your SO a ring while you’re both in the car on the way to Burger King. I’m low maintenance, but put some thought into it.—u/Exploding_Muffin

rejected proposal, rejected proposal reddit, rejected proposal stories


She said yes on the second proposal and now we’re divorced.

Edit: Reddit is such a weird place. All the carefully thought out posts and comments get zero recognition and then this random off the cuff remark is my most liked comment. Glad you all got a kick out of it.

For those wondering: I’ve been single for a year. I spent last night with a smart, beautiful woman and had a blast. Life is good.—u/JEJoll


We actually got married, moved in together, 2 weeks later, she moves out, blocks me everywhere and never gave me a reason, shortly after I was served with papers, now I’m divorced, that was last summer and not sure where I am now, making work my main priority for now. I just want to know why for some closure, but that’s too far gone now.—u/notibume


She had said she wasn’t really a fan of marriage, so I thought proposing non-marriage might be well received, and I wanted us to be together for the rest of our lives. So I asked her not to marry me. She said no. We have been married for 10 years.—u/Incognito_Matt


I know this couple— he proposed in order to give her citizenship and health insurance so she could remain here and get cancer treatment she desperately needed. They stayed married for about 15 years and he even adopted her son, but they never lived together or were romantically involved. Years later, they divorced when he met the woman of his dreams & wanted to get married. They are all very close friends, with no drama. She lived and is a university professor now. He is in another state with the woman of his dreams.—u/cat9tail


My mother turned my father down, but didn’t outright break up with him. She just wasn’t sure about the marriage idea; she valued her independence and was nervous about commitment.

No hard feelings, though. He called up the next day when she’d had more time to think about it, and she said yes after all.

They celebrated 32 years of marriage last month.—u/thefuzzybunny1


My mom rejected my father the first TWO times, lol. There was no real hard feelings between them. I guess my mother was just not ready for marriage yet.

She ended up proposing to him. My grandmother and mother sewed a suit for their dog to wear and attached a sign around his neck with a ring that read “will you marry me?” Then she sent the dog out into the kitchen to beg for scraps while my father was preparing dinner. The next thing she heard was a very concerned voice shouting

“HONEY! The dog is asking me to marry him!”

Cue absolute hysterics.

My dad said yes to the proposal. My HUMAN dad and my HUMAN mom are still married two decades later (the fact that I even had to clarify this is severely disappointing. Tsk…tsk…tsk.)

Edit 1: my parents found the photo. They are just getting it sent so stay tuned and I will post the pet tax

Edit 2: my god, you guys are more impatient than kids at an ice cream truck. Here is your pet tax, haha. 

Edit 3: y’all are savage. Give the old good boi a break.—u/Tempest_Skies

rejected proposal, rejected proposal reddit, rejected proposal stories


I spoke to her about it beforehand, and she seemed really Keen on the idea. So I decided to propose about a week after in front of all our friends she was so shocked she picked me up off my knee and shoed me away. Most of our friends were confused, because everyone knew it was going to happen, and she said she was excited for it.

I didn’t know what to do, it was all really embarrassing and later she explained she didn’t mean no she just didn’t know what to say and was scared.

She said yes after apologizing profusely and just this year we celebrated our 9th anniversary—u/GeerieGeraln


About two years later I met my wife of 22 years–we are happily married. The one who said “no” got married, for the first time, last year, and seems happy. My wife is way into me in ways that the former girlfriend never was, and I see my life as far happier with my wife than I ever was with the one who said no. She’s not a bad person; I was just young and in love with someone who wasn’t in love with me. It worked out for the best. I’m glad she said no.—u/wuapinmon


My dad proposed to a woman who said no. My dad was a violent alcoholic and she said she couldn’t be with him unless he got clean. Took him a little while, but he did it. He wound up meeting my mom through a match maker and they’ve been married 25 years.

If that woman never said no to him, he never would have gotten clean. It was the lowest point in his life. But it all brought him to my mom who makes him happier than ever.

My dad talks to her sometimes. She got married to someone else and they had a son who died from a medical condition.—u/calculust_


I was a young Marine. I was only home during the weekends. was dating this girl for about a year from my home town.

When I asked she said yes.

Her dad former Navy kept saying we should wait. We put it off for a bit longer.

Fast forward another year. she dumped me. Father informs me she has been sleeping with A LOT of guys.. like more then 50 over the 2 yrs we dated. And was very happy i didn’t marry her. and apologizes to me for her behavior.

She then totally ghosting everyone including her family for about 6 months. Find out she moved 7 hrs away and was living under a house.. not a basement. under a house with her new bf… She calls her mom to come get her. Mother and father ask me to go get her and bring her home..

Good times.. good times.—u/Nemrodh


As a woman who was engaged and the proposal was later revoked, it still stings a little 11 years later. When you’re sure you’re with the love of your life, losing them can really pop a hole in your life plans.—u/TheKruszer


This is the story of my parents:

My dad asked my mom to marry him several times. She said no, several times.

One day my dad asked my mom to marry him (yet again). She said YES!

He freaked out and left her apartment and dumped her.

Three weeks later he hated his life without her and begged her to take him back and marry him.

They were married 9 months later for 16 years until my mom passed from cancer. They loved each other so much and had such a deep appreciation for each other.

That was 25 years ago. My dad has not remarried. No one will ever come close to my mama.—u/MeanMeana


I was proposed to several times by men when I was living in the middle east. I think they just went and found the next American girl to propose to.—u/cbost


She said yes as I had a special occasion planned – one of those observation wheels and I proposed at the very top and we were in our way to a family event and I had a ring made and everything.

Then a few days later she said no. Everything fell apart. I was distraught. We continued dating for a while but it was long distance – other side of the world. When I visited it would be super awkward. Eventually he dad kicked me out. Was flying standby and was stuck in an airport for 4 days. Took me years to recover.

Now I am happily married and am glad it never worked out. I was not in a good place when I met her and her family were super controlling. It would never have worked.

The woman I married is super cool and is my best friend. Turned out better then expected.—u/alocinapap


My mother told my father no three times. On the third time he got wasted at a local bar and basically started pouring his heart out to any one who’d listen. Mind you, it’s a very small village in the Italian alps and my father barely spoke Italian and no one in the village spoke English, including my mother. Word got back to my mom about this sad American at the bar so she went to find him and she told him she’d marry him.

My parents celebrated their 44th anniversary last month.—u/PazzaCiccio


I was the person who said no.

We had only known each other for 3 months and he was smitten, I was more cautious. I said no, I like you but it’s way too soon. He asked when would be enough time, I said maybe a year.

He proposed again at midnight, one year after we first met, I said yes and we have been together 8 years now.—u/kje199


It was REALLY REALLY bad for a while. Then it was REALLY bad. Then it became really bad. Then it became bad. Then it was just blah. Then it was neutral. Then things started to get better. They continued to get better by me learning to be happy and me doing me things. I eventually found someone else, and things have been getting better for twenty years now.—u/spamgolem


We were living together. I asked, she said “No, I love you but I need to think about it. I don’t think I’m ready yet. Can you give me some time and ask later?”. A few months go by, I ask again, same response. A few more months, same deal. A couple more weeks and then she says “hey, what do you think of us getting married?”. I replied: That’s an excellent idea, why didn’t I think of that?

Our 39th anniversary is next month.—u/grayputer

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