25 People Share Products They’ll Never Buy Again After Learning How They’re Made


Fashion is honestly one of the worst industries out there, up there with electronics and industrial farming. But unlike those other two, we don’t really need it at the scale it’s at right now.

Pollution is just the tip of the iceberg, the part we can see and are personally impacted by. What we don’t see is the child labor used to make it, subtly injected unhealthy body standards in the advertising, the animal abuse for fur when synthetic fur is no different and actually cheaper, and just how much the consumer is influenced to overconsume. I mean who in their right mind would really give a f*ck about the difference between fall fashion and winter fashion if the advertising didn’t tell us we needed to buy it to make people like us? —XxsquirrelxX


Fruit smoothies. People think theyre getting their daily dose of fruit, but that sh*t’s mostly ice, yoghurt and high sugar juice with only a few pieces of solid fruit. Source: I work at Boost —throwaway36295224


Not exactly a product, but certain legal services. A lot of times lawyers are just filling in blanks from a template when drafting documents, and many problems can be resolved with a two minute online search if you know where to look. If the public had the knowledge of and access to the resources available to lawyers, there’s an awful lot people could figure out for themselves.

Of course, that’s not to say it’s a good idea to DIY a legal matter if you don’t know exactly what you’re doing. Just that the prices people pay for certain legal services aren’t commensurate with the amount of time and effort they actually take the lawyer to complete.—PopeHatSkeleton


Menopausal people, if your doctor tries to prescribe you Premarin, ask for an alternative! The hormones in this drug are extracted from pregnant mare urine (it’s in the name, don’t have to look too hard). These horses are tied in a straight stall, hooked up to collection devices without adequate room to move or lay down. Once the foals are born, they are re-bred as soon as possible to continue the collection cycle. What happens to the foals? Some get sold/adopted to loving homes, the rest get shipped off to become ikea meatballs. They’re just a byproduct all in the name of getting rid of your hot flashes.

(Not a crazy peta vegan, I just own a 21 year old cast off from this industry who has had a lot of issues to work through as a result of his early life experiences.) —tricaratops


Vegetables aren’t necessarily “made” so this might not count but If people saw the exploitation of people that went into getting their fruits and vegetables it’d be a different story. Many minorities work their asses off for little to no pay, through rain or shine. If they saw the hands and feet of the workers that provide them with the food, they’d be pretty shocked. “How hard could it be all you do is pick fruit and vegetables all day” yeah right. Also the annoying “oh my god you should be vegan it’s completely cruelty free” people should shut up because the food your provided with by grocery stores isn’t cruelty free either. —Gilamoreeeeee

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