Employers Are Sharing The “Weirdest” Or “Stupidest” Answers From Job Applications (17 Posts)


“The kid claimed to have a masters degree in the field, and an internship. During the interview. He fumbled even the most basic questions about the discipline and showed someone else’s work as his own. The reason I know this is because he actually said, ‘Oh, I’m sorry about the PowerPoint, my coworker made it.’ My jaw dropped. He was so bad that the other interviewer slacked me asking if the kid even went to school. So confused at how bad this was, I went to his university’s website to see what kind of education produces such a horrible candidate. Well, turns out the school didn’t offer the degree at all. He made up the degree, put it on his resume and somehow thought that the hiring manager with 10 years of experience in the field wouldn’t catch it.” — sweetnopry


“Whenever anyone gets an interview to work in my department, our whole team looks over their resume and can ask the applicant questions. There was a guy who applied for a mid-career position and had a few connections with some higher ups in our company. So they immediately scheduled an interview for him without actually reviewing his resume. When our team looked at his resume, he had it titled ‘Why You Should Hire Me’ and had a bunch of run-on sentences and misspelled words. Our team was confused and thought he made a mistake. Apparently, he thought he had the job because of his connections, so he didn’t take the whole applying process seriously. He didn’t get the job.” — heatherwants2play


“I had a job posting out and a potential candidate reached out to have a chat about the role (senior management position). I told him my calendar was up to date and to book me. He booked me for 1pm the following day with his phone number in the ‘location.’ At 1:02pm I call his number. He was waiting for his food at a burger place. So we’re chatting, he gets his food and says, ‘I’m going to crush this burger while we talk.’ He was shocked when he didn’t get a formal interview.” — throwtheballaway123


“Not so much an answer, but I’ve seen a shocking amount of resumes and applications with really awkward and unprofessional email addresses. Before being a position where I reviewed resumes I never would have thought so many people would provide and email address like ‘baddest_bitch420’ or ‘sexymama_60’ to a potential employer, but a lot of people do.” — Clarke-shark


“I once helped my employer review intern applications through a third party company that places college students to find internships, so everything was written generically for any job they may want, not our specific job. A letter of recommendation for one applicant said, ‘Billy is lazy and unmotivated. I wouldn’t place him in one of your top jobs, but if there is an unimportant internship you can get him it might be a good motivator.’ We did not call Billy offering the job.” — Willpower174


“In the cover letter: “I have a 2011 Toyota Corolla” and “I keep things organized with STICKERS!!!” Caps and multiple exclamations and all.” — AutomaticYak


“A candidate sent a vídeo as cover letter. The video had the candidate doing weird things, such as throwing buckets of water at young women wearing white t-shirts and completely exposing their breasts. It also featured the candidate walking around in a completely white room looking completely stoned.” — MotherOfSnow

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Patricia Grisafi

Patricia Grisafi, PhD, is a freelance writer and educator. Her work has appeared in Salon, Vice, Bitch, Bustle, Broadly, The Establishment, and elsewhere. She is passionate about pit bull rescue, cursed objects, and designer sunglasses.