All Teachers Are Heroes Except Maybe These Teachers (20 Posts)


“She read out my name and looks at me and says, ‘Your parents named you this?'” — mylifeasblue


“A student handed in a blank sheet during a test. Teacher took it and said ‘student’s sheet is as much a virgin as every girl in this class.’ We were 13-14. He’s done other stuff that made students uncomfortable but we weren’t taken seriously.” — Deleore


“I remember sophomore year of high school we had this seriously obnoxious kid who annoyed us every day. He would make some sexual joke (and like every joke became a dead horse) and complain how hard his life was in school and claimed that the teacher loved making us do this. Our teach had enough one day and snapped. He looks at him dead in the cockeye and yells, ‘YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT SHIT I PUT UP WITH YOU LITTLE FUCKER!’ To give clarification, This teacher has had many years of teaching experience, was a US army ranger, and was an EMT. Very nice and friendly individual who could be lenient. He also taught both algebra classes, an AP physics and an AP Calculus course.” — th3_warth0g


“My teacher once said ‘we’ll finally be able to start learning something after all these Jewish holidays are over.'” — s_delta


“September 12th, 2001: ‘We should just carpet-bomb all of the towelheads in that whole desert and be done with this.’ — My European History teacher.” — scottevil110


“I have bad anxiety attacks and like everyone in my class knows it, same thing my teachers. Once after an oral test I was almost crying and trying to explain I was getting anxious and that was why I did wrong stuff I did right in every other test. She looked at me like she didn’t believe me and then she said, ‘You can’t get anxiety in this situation, it’s impossible,” I wanted to hit her so bad, I was trying my best to don’t breakdown completely, it was awful.” — dlilyd


“I don’t care if you pass or fail, I get paid the same either way.” — Iksbrown


“Our driver’s education teacher commented that ‘girls took longer to learn the basics whereas boys came prepared.'” — Back2Bach


“I once had a substitute teacher for my health class and he went on this long rant about how rape can be justified. So many people complained about him.” — pazmcgee1


“Religious teacher told us that condoms are made by Satan to tempt children to have sex.” — idontdigdinosaurs

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