Woman Gets Rejected Without An Interview Because She’s “Poor”

In today’s economy, it may be scary going to a job interview. Employers are becoming more and more specific about who they hire based on what qualifications they have. In today’s times, a college degree doesn’t even quite count for what it used to be. As if that’s not enough pressure, one qualified woman was flat-out denied an interview because she didn’t have enough money.

Redditor (u/vaginagrandidentata) confessed to the ‘TrueOffMyChest’ subReddit that she went into a job interview she was fully qualified for and was shut down pretty quickly. The employer asked her if she had someone in the area to depend on for housing. Confused, the original poster (OP) asked if the wage for the position was high enough to sustain rent, to which the interviewer responded, “no.”

Photo by Alex Green

Read the full story below and let us know if you’ve ever experienced a similar situation!

OP confessed: “I got declined for an interview because I am poor.”

I’m qualified for the job and she even said so after accepting my 2-week late application because the other candidates weren’t suitable. However, she asked me before the interview if I had family or friends in the city where the job is due to its notoriously high rent.

I asked if the wage listed was enough to live off of and she blatantly says no and hopes to raise it next year. She’ll only hire people who have family/friends to lean on or are independently wealthy.

Honestly, I appreciate her candor but it just sucks I have to live in this capitalistic dystopia where I’m not able to get a job that I love and am qualified for without having prior wealth or support. I just needed to vent about this!

OP’s story reminded me just how messed up today’s society is. How are you supposed to make money from a job if that job won’t hire you because you don’t have money? The math isn’t mathing. Her confession of being denied an interview because she didn’t have financial support pulled at the heartstrings of the Redditors who read it.

In the comments, Redditors shared their insights on the matter:

denied interview being poor
denied interview being poor
denied interview being poor
denied interview being poor