24 Men Share Red Flags They Look For In Women Who Should Be Avoided At All Costs

As a man who went on plenty of dates both pre-apps and after, I believe it to be incredible hard to tell if a woman is “crazy” or not.

Now, when I say “crazy” I mostly mean toxic. A woman that is herself so chaotic, she will bring that chaos into your life and f*ck it up real bad.

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This AskReddit thread explores the red flags men look for to help them avoid “crazy” women. Some of them are common sense, I would hope, but some are good advice as well.

And while this is all knowledge you should have, the best teacher is often experience. Go out there, date, make mistakes and learn from them, and do your best not to get anyone unstable pregnant. 

24 men share red flags they look for when trying to avoid “crazy” women

1. Victim mentality

If she plays the victim constantly, too well, she isn’t the victim.

“Everyone is against me” is a fucking great way to tell if a bitch is crazy

2. “I hate drama.”

“I don’t cause the drama but it always seems to find me”


3. Various Children

None of her kids have the same last name.

4. Horse girls

women who are crazy about horses are essentially rich cat ladies.

5. “I’m not like other girls.”

If she throws the ” I’m not like other girls. ” She’s either insane or an insane bitch. Ex-wife for proof

6. The trifecta

“Everyone doesn’t like me, my family won’t even talk to me… I don’t know why!” Pro tip: Run.

7. She has problems at work

A dead give away is knowing how many people she has problems with at work. 1-2 is typical. 3-4 now I’m skeptical. 5+ she is most likely crazy and the problem.

8. Free time

Overly attached too soon; seems to have loads of free time and no real friends to speak of and I know I might be a minority here, but going straight to something really kinky as well.

9. The original NSA

If, after dating for a few days, she grabs your phone without permission and starts going through it. The original NSA…women.

10. Identifies with crazy people

She loves reading Sylvia Plath.

11. Dramatic memes on their accounts

I have always noticed chicks that post those dramatic facebook meme/quotes/pictures.

Example: “Sometimes 2 people need to be lost in order to find each other again” with a background pic of a sunset….

Yea, those bitches are crazy.

12. No female friends

“I’m only friends with guys, girls are just too crazy” At that point I know there’s gonna be something up.

13. What are you, royalty? 

More than two rings.

14. New age nonsense 

New Age nonsense: Healing crystals, personal deity/protector/guide spirits, auras, Ancient Medicine, Atlantis.

15. Insecure

If you meet on a dating site and her profile states she’s not looking for a fuck buddy, yet shortly after you start talking she sends you naughty pictures when you haven’t even met face to face, get the fuck out of there.

16. Excessive calling/texting

When she leaves 11 voice mails in a two hour period.

17. Rude to service workers

subtle cues: continually looks over your shoulder when you text someone, acts shitty to service workers, is not very clean.
this type of insecurity and these cues will be detrimental to a relationship in the long-run.

18. One track mommy mind

No desire in life but to be a mother.

19. Maybe a little too kinky

A good rule of thumb is crazy in bed means crazy in the head.

20. Works at a salon.


21. Can cry on command 

Crying about stupid things. Especially in the context of trying to get her way or convince you of something.

22. Dude

Im a girl, but my best friend is a crazy bitch walking red flag.

She beat up a guy (seriously; black eyes and all) over a burger king breakfast sandwich.

Stabbed a guy with a fork for getting febreeze in her mashed potatoes.

Says ‘Im going to say you raped me’ to every guy who makes her mad.

Its really hard being her friend because we are polar opposites and I blatantly tell her how disturbed she is but we have been friends since we were babies so its hard to cut ties.

23. The quote.

Quoting Marilyn Monroe. Specifically, “If you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best.”

24. Hard truth

She’s willing to date me 🙁