People On Reddit Are Sharing The Conspiracy Theories They Actually Believe

While conspiracies obviously exist, most conspiracy theories are pure fantasy, wild explanations based on speculation instead of evidence. However, some things are very hard to explain, making some conspiracy theories more plausible than others and attracting believers to those explanations, no matter how unlikely they may be.

When a post on Ask Reddit recently posed the question “What conspiracy theory do you believe is true?” people responded with some of their best (and most outlandish) theories on everything from the suspicious deaths of famous figures to what the logo on Fruit of the Loom’s underwear really used to look like before they covered up the truth. But don’t take our word for it, take a look at these and see if you’re swayed.

Here are some of the wildest conspiracy theories that people actually believe.


conspiracy theories, conspiracy theory



conspiracy theories, conspiracy theory



conspiracy theories, conspiracy theory


conspiracy theories, conspiracy theory





conspiracy theories, conspiracy theory

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