25 Waiters Respond To: “What’s The Most Ridiculous Order A Customer’s Placed?”


“Not so much the order but the guy tried to cook the meal through me by shouting directions from the other side of the counter.”—username deleted


“I worked at as a server at a ritzy country club on cape cod and this women once brought in a paint chip and told me she wanted her cosmopolitan to be the exact same color as her pink paint chip.”—ezekielragardos


“Oh, how I miss my old regular. We are not a fine dining establishment, it’s a small family-style Italian restaurant. This lovely gray-haired gentleman would call ahead so that we could put a salad bowl in the freezer for him. Once he got there I would go to the back and make his specific salad:

Very little lettuce, extra mushroom, extra tomato, extra onion, no shredded cabbage, and no cucumber. That would be after I get him two ice-cold beer glasses for his 70/30 sweet/unsweet tea mixture with an extra glass of ice. He would then attempt to engage in a 5-10 minute conversation about our specials for the evening, and how he could alter them.”—scatterbastard


“One couple, in particular, made the chef rage so hard she just walked out. The wife orders some meal and makes a ton of changes to it. She gets the plate takes one bite and sends it back because she doesn’t like it. Husband orders a $60 lobster plate. The lobster tail comes with pepper sprinkled on top. The husband sends it back and wants a whole new one with no pepper on top. Apparently his wife wanted to try one piece but doesn’t like pepper.”—I_don’t_live_here


“I worked as a waitress when my mom was a cook. There was one lady who ordered a medium-rare steak and the first time it came out she cut a very small piece off the edge. Of course, it was not rare enough so she sent it back. My mom makes another one and again the lady sent it back after cutting into the very edge. The third one that was sent back my mom grabbed it off the plate with her bare hands, walked out to the lady and ripped the steak in half screaming “this is what medium-rare looks like in the middle!” And then basically said GTFO. My mom is pretty awesome but not someone you wanna piss off.”—notsocreativeeither


“As a waiter at a coastal restaurant, we occasionally had dolphins come in the harbor right to where people would eat. These two old ladies came in and before they placed their orders, demanded I release the dolphins for their amusement. It took a good 10 seconds of silence before I realized they were serious. I passed this request onto my manager and then continued to eat free jumbo shrimp.”—shanelol


“It wasn’t so much the order that was disturbing, but the post order request. He asked me to chew up the food and put it back onto his plate. No medical reason. No missing teeth. Not old. Just creepy as f—k. He got very upset when I declined.”—finishrampant


“I had a 4-top once that one of the gentlemen was ordering and asked for extra onion, and he made extreme emphasis on EXTRA ONION. So I go to put the order in and I have to talk to the chef to make sure he understands EXTRA ONION. So when the order comes out, I get a side plate of a cut WHOLE ONION. I giggle and take the order to the table.

I put the orders of food in front of all the other guests and leave onion man for last. I set his plate of food and extra onion down, he looks up at me and starts laughing. The whole table is now laughing. I’m like daf*ck? Apparently wherever they go, no matter what he always has to ask for MORE onion, and this time my snarky chef nailed it.”—rock_hound


“I used to work at Whole Foods as a juicer and this one guy would come in every day and order 12 ounces of garlic juice to go (which is like 20 dollars btw). After a couple of weeks of seeing him order the same thing I asked him to drink it in front of me because I didn’t believe it was humanly possible to ingest that much garlic. He downed it all in front of me and said this “along with much garlic comes much loneliness” I laughed and he said, “no seriously I work from home.”—he_shootin


“One guy would come in 4-5 days a week, and he would never order anything on the menu unless it was a busy night and we wouldn’t have time to “get crazy.” The craziest thing he ever ordered though, was a Doughnut Explosion. To be clear, we did not nor know how to make doughnuts. However, there was a Dunkin Donuts next to our location, and he sent one of his favorite servers next door to pick up a dozen random doughnuts.

When he came back, the customer told me which ones he wanted on his dessert, and I proceeded to go back into the kitchen and whip up his dessert to his specification. It consisted of two doughnuts, topped with vanilla ice cream, layered between the brownie cake that was our house specialty, and topped with Chambord and a port wine fig sauce that we put on pork chops. This was one of the most disgusting things I’ve ever seen in a restaurant, but he let me try a bite and it was f*cking amazing!” —j4_jjjj