26 Women On What They Think Would Be “The Worst Thing About Being A Man”

In an interesting Reddit forum, u/CanadianReject565 asked people to weight in on what they think might be the hardest thing about being a guy. The user asked women to weigh in, but so did it some men — and the answers may surprise you.

A lot of people were compassionate to men’s issues, like their not being able to show emotion, always being relied on for physical tasks, and being expected to just “deal with it” rather than face trauma or mental illness.

Women of Reddit, what do you think would be the worst thing about being a man? from r/AskReddit

Here are their compassionate responses: 


“The constant pressure in society that the man has to pay for meals, drinks, etc. I feel like it all would add up really quickly.”—WaffleDeWisdom


“Feeling uncomfortable or shamed for showing your emotions. It’s a sad truth, but since the dawn of time, men have been encouraged to live up to the expectations of having to be tough or being a rock for the family. As a woman, I think we feel more comfortable crying and expressing our sadness. Men get sad too, and it’s about time they feel free to express it as easily as women do.”—deleted user


“Having to be the person physically in charge in a threatening situation. Like always being with a man when walking home from a party in a sketchy area at night. Yes there is safety in numbers but the dude is expected to be protected regardless of the level of awareness, self-defensive, or drunken-ness. That’s a lot of pressure.”—GreasyBlackbird


“Oh, you got stuck taking care of the kids today, huh? Giving Mom a day off, finally?” Dads know what I’m talking about. Edit: Well, that blew up. Glad to see I’m not crazy. It’s interesting to see the scattered few people say “omg people don’t actually talk like that…” and then see hundreds of other folks confirm that, yeah, people do say that sh—t.”—rxsheepxr


“People expecting that I could fight.”MultipleAutism



“I can’t believe this is so far down. Being, what people assume, the more aggressive sex would keep me up at night. But I’m a lover, not a fighter. I swear, my ancestors survived by saying something confusing and then running like hell while the angry person tried to figure out wtf they said. None of us enjoy fighting lol EDIT: as this is closer to the top now, I guess I can stop not believing this is so far down.”bawnbenweeve


“Not being able to take care of children without getting dirty looks.”—deleted user


“Probably the stigma. I’ve seen a single father get shouted at for being with his kid when at a park for ‘trying to kidnap children’. The dude wanted to make his son happy, not molest him FFSs.”—foxbetrayal


“I was helping a young girl find Fortnite in the game section of a target recently, I couldn’t find it so I mentioned how she could find it on the e-shop and asked her if she knew how to get onto it. Her mom came right up and grabbed her daughter by the shoulders with the most frightened look in her eyes. She cut the conversation short and told her daughter they needed to leave.”—Iivaitte


“It’s kind of annoying walking my dog around town and having to straight-up ignore every kid. Don’t talk to them, don’t look at them. Halloween is the only day out of the year that I get to talk to the kids in my neighborhood.”—headzoo