26 Women On What They Think Would Be “The Worst Thing About Being A Man”


“I’d be afraid to be a male teacher. How easy would it be to give a girl student a grade a failing grade they deserve or just pissing them off any kind of way, but it’s a crazy one who ends up accusing you of something awful? While that’s specific, it’s a general fear. Just the accusation itself will cost you your career.”—huggedup


“Having an even harsher reaction when I’d go against gender roles. I mean as a woman, there’s backlash sometimes, but there’s a whole mouvment very publicized that tells me that I can do whatever I want, and f—k the nay-sayer. I don’t feel a man that would want to do something “for girls” or “for woman” as that much support.”—marawal


“Only 1 orgasm at a time.”paingry


“This is the worst. I once took my daughter (who was four at the time) out of a store because she was having a tantrum, and she screamed and cried the whole way. As we were waiting in the car for my wife to finish up, a cop comes and knocks on my window, wanting to know why I’d taken a screaming child out of the store. Despite my (now calm) daughter saying that yes, I was her dad, and me having literally years worth of pictures of her on my phone, the guy was still super suspicious of the whole thing and was basically threatening to arrest me the whole time. It’s one of the scariest things that’s ever happened to me.”—agnol117



“I told a friend I’d happily babysit their 3-year-old daughter (which being a good person they accepted) and a mutual friend of theirs overhearing asked to my face if I was a pervert.”—jorahmormont42


“My brother was allowed to do a lot of things I wasn’t, like explore the train tunnels and go hunting. I once envied that, but now I see it differently: men aren’t protected. From abusive women, from sexual assault, from dangerous jobs, from military service, from having custody of children taken from them, etc.”—deleted user

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