Amy Schumer Changed Baby’s Name Because It Sounded Like “Genital”

Picking your child’s name can be one of the most intense experiences. After all, this is the name they are going to have for the rest of their lives unless they hate it so much they petition to have it legally changed. You have to account for all the ways kids will make fun of it, how the first and middle name sound together, and how the whole name flows. 

Comedian and actress Amy Schumer recently decided that she missed a crucial checkpoint when deciding on her almost-one-year old son Gene’s full name. Because she thought it sounded like “genital,” she changed Gene Attell to Gene David. It’s a good reason.

Schumer and husband Chris Fischer gave baby Gene the middle name Attell in honor of fellow comic and close friend Dave Attell. However, over time, Amy and Chris realized that the name wasn’t going to be a good fit. 

On her podcast “3 Girls, 1 Keith,” Schumer told co-hosts Rachel Feinstein, Bridget Everett, and Keith Robinson, “Do you guys know that Gene, our baby’s name, is officially changed? It’s now Gene David Fischer. It was Gene Attell Fischer, but we realized that we, by accident, named our son ‘Genital.'” Or even “genital fissure.”

Schumer said she and her husband talked to Attell about the decision to change Gene’s middle name (he was fine with it). She also explained that now her son is named after both her friend and her father, whose middle name is David.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Schumer and her husband—who is a chef—recently signed up for a Food Network show called “Amy Schumer Learns to Cook.” I guess there’s no better time than being stuck at home to figure out what you’re doing in the kitchen

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Patricia Grisafi

Patricia Grisafi, PhD, is a freelance writer and educator. Her work has appeared in Salon, Vice, Bitch, Bustle, Broadly, The Establishment, and elsewhere. She is passionate about pit bull rescue, cursed objects, and designer sunglasses.