Woman Asks What Twitter Thinks Of Her Roommate’s Unseasoned Chicken, And The Burns Won’t Quit

A tweet by user @corihealey is going viral, and for good reason. Not only is it a lesson in relationship red flags, it’s also one in how not to cook a chicken. Mainly, don’t not season it. Or, go at least one step further than just throwing some breasts straight from the packaging onto a baking pan, no parchment paper or aluminum foil or nothing.

It’s offensive, is what it is. And the Baltimore resident decided to share her woes with all of Twitter by tweeting out the following picture, and captioning it “Y’all wanna get upset by the lack of seasoning on my boyfriends roommates chicken with me.”

Why yes, of course Twitter did! Getting upset about other people’s life choices is what the platform is best at (though in this case, it’s deserved).

The Atlantic staff writer—yes, a real journalist—Jemele Hill advocated for immediate deportation.

People expressed legitimate sadness at this wasted poultry life.


Some couldn’t even stand to look at it any longer.

“Is this even legal?” we wondered.


The concern was palpable.


As was the discomfort:

And the confusion.

Dictionary.com Twitter chimed in with some customary sass:

No, you’re not the only one. I too am highly upset over this fact.


Unlike the chicken, the burns on this failed “dish” were endless and creative.


The world may be trash, but at least we have tweet replies like this to keep us going. More of this in 2019, please!

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