There’s plenty of fish in the sea but you know what else there is? TRASH. There is a lot of trash in the sea.
— Mama Crys 🌻 (@25Average_) July 12, 2018
If you’re on a first date and make the other person laugh, I think a good thing to ask right after that is “Do you like me?”
— Kevin Farzad (@KevinFarzad) May 28, 2018
8 yrs ago, I was crying alone at a park. A dog ran up to me and nuzzled his snout at my knees. His owner was a handsome cardiologist that ended up dating me. But after 6 weeks, he said his life was “so crazy right now” and started dating an Equinox receptionist. This isn’t us. pic.twitter.com/iL7FhtjAr2
— Eden Dranger (@Eden_Eats) March 3, 2019
"hey I saw you on tinder but we didn't match so I found your instagram you're so beautiful you don't need to wear all that makeup ahah I bet you get a lot of creepy dm's but I'm not like all those other guys message me back beautiful btw whats your snap" pic.twitter.com/XDLj2FyqZP
— sloane (sîpihkopiyesîs) 🇵🇸🇨🇩🇸🇩 (@cottoncandaddy) April 6, 2018
The best part of a relationship is the very beginning when you haven't met yet and your still single
— A.Jay (@A_JAYOFFICIAL) September 19, 2017
Dating tip: show them you're a good listener by loudly repeating everything they say
— Viktor Winetrout (@Cpin42) March 1, 2019
Me frantically going on dating apps so I can be in a relationship by the time Taylor Swift drops her album https://t.co/HWVZCSW8ja
— Ryan Schocket (@RyanSchocket) March 3, 2019
things u have to ask a white guy on a first date
(1) have u punched a hole in a wall
(2) have u ever killed an animal just for fun— alexa (@mariokartdwi) February 22, 2019
h/t: BuzzFeed