batman riddle, the batman trailer

There’s A Riddle In The Latest “The Batman” Trailer And Some People Solved It Already

No matter what else happens there WILL be a new Batman movie. We can’t go forward without one as a society, at least that’s what Hollywood bigwigs seem to think. 

The next reboot of the caped crusader saga—The Batman—is scheduled for release in 2021.

Look, I have a child-like nostalgia for Batman stories, too, but read the room: is this the time to celebrate a billionaire who beats up people on the street for minor crimes? I’m glad he’s there to take on the Penguin or whatever, I just don’t need to see some young rich white man violate people’s constitutional rights and then go home to sleep in his mansion. Whatever! It’ll be something I rent on HBO Max in a few months when theaters don’t reopen. 

Plenty of people are very excited about Batman’s new exploits and to be fair, Robert Pattinson is a much better-looking Batman than I expected. I’m digging the eyeliner and puffy hair, a wonderful Twilight throwback.

In the trailer, we catch a glimpse of a card sent from the film’s villain, the Riddler. You can see it has a question, “What does a liar do when he’s dead?”

Then on the next page there’s a series of symbols that represent letters of the alphabet spelling the answer out. This card will probably play out in a scene during which the Batman analyzes its possible meaning before finally cracking the code. I hope for the sake of the producers it’s not a long scene, because this game designer and puzzle maker Mile Selinker solved it in like two seconds:

Selinker broke down his reasoning on Twitter, saying you could just solve the riddle by guessing, but figuring out the secret code is also possible via the process of elimination:

A lot of people felt stupid after Selinker explained and they still didn’t understand, but he assured everyone that we are all stupid in our different ways. 

Thanks, man. Can’t wait to see what type of smart or stupid the Batman is.

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