Couple Starts GoFundMe For “Dream” Wedding Honeymoon During COVID-19 And Gets Dragged

The pandemic has hit a lot of people in a lot of ways. There is a tragic loss of life everywhere. People are isolated and scared. Many lost their jobs, and don’t know if they’ll have work to come back to any time soon—or money to pay rent. And this couple is bummed because they can’t afford a honeymoon in Dubai.

A screenshot of a plea for honeymoon funds was posted to r/WeddingShaming by u/bcgirlmtl under the title, “Asking for money for their wedding and honeymoon on Reddit during a pandemic..” I’d summarize what it says but it’s worth reading in its full deluded glory:

We are planning our wedding to take place in September. Unfortunately we are both fighting chronic illness and try to stay above water during the Covid-19 crisis. This wedding is supposed to be all traditional / modern wedding but our dreams have been narrowed down because of our chronic illness and medical costs.’

We also have dreams for our honeymoon with locations like: Peru, Dubai, Turkey, Egypt and Japan. If only we could do 1 of those locations we would see this as our dream fulfilled.’
You could make the difference in helping us fulfill that dream. If you can afford to donate anything it would mean the world to us! [Since] I am a musician at heart I can give in return some of my latest tracks for you to enjoy.


It’s not that crazy to ask for honeymoon money, though I would certainly never do it in a GoFundMe. Some people have links to a honeypot or other cash donation service on wedding registries, because that’s how some people like to gift the couple. But posting a link on GoFundMe like that’s not where people are hoping to raise money for medicine and funeral costs right now is really something else.

As many commenters wrote, no one is entitled to a world tour upon marriage. It’s nice, and a wonderful dream, and maybe it should be easier for us all to have some luxury in our lives. Expecting it to come out of the pockets of your friends struggling with money loss during the pandemic, however, is pretty tone-deaf.

Folks, cancel your weddings and save some cash. You’ll be less likely to give your grandma a deadly virus and you might be able to afford your own trip in a year. No one’s going anywhere right now anyway.

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