20+ Sex Ed Teachers Share The “Most Awkward Or Cringeworthy” Questions They’ve Ever Have Had To Answer

Health education was kind of awkward and funny class to sit in as a kid going through puberty, but looking back, it must have been absolutely hysterical for the teachers. Especially in the pre-Internet days, when kids couldn’t just whip out a phone and ask Google their embarrassing sex-related questions.

But even though most teachers probably find the experience funny, proper sex education is very important. It’s definitely better to have certain questions answered (even if they’re dumb) than to allow ignorance to flounder and kids to make avoidable mistakes. The more people know about sex, the better decisions they can make about their own bodies and the bodies of others.

In a recent AskReddit thread, u/ddave0822 asked, “Sex-Ed teachers of Reddit, what is the most awkward/cringeworthy question you’ve had to answer in your class?” Many responses came from sex-ed teachers, some came from adults who never forgot the funniest question asked in their own health education class growing up, but all are hilariously awkward. 

sex ed questions, sex ed questions funny, funny sex ed questions, awkward sex ed questions, awkward sex questions  


We had notecards and wrote questions anonymously. One asked- “If both partners have long pubes, will they get tangled? How do you untangle them?” And honestly, I never thought of that.—u/meowddie2


Once asked the question to a group of Year 9 students: “what do you do if you want to have sex and you can’t find a condom?” Student 1 (Male): Surely you can find something in your house?! Maybe cling film? Student 2 (Female): Yeah! Or maybe tinfoil! F—king TIN FOIL!—u/Gandiddyalf


A kid in my class asked what is the stuff that girls orgasm out if males is sperm. Teacher said that girls don’t ejaculate. The kid responded no they do I’ve seen it on the internet.—u/Beatleborg22

sex ed questions, sex ed questions funny, funny sex ed questions, awkward sex ed questions, awkward sex questions


Not a teacher, but heard two amazing questions.

5th grade sex Ed:

Student: Why does my mom scream during sex?

Teacher: She’s having fun.

10th grade safe sex education:

Female Student: If you’re having anal sex, and the guy cums inside you, and then you fart; does it blow bubbles?

Teacher: Next question.—u/MikeMana


I asked the teacher how the sperm got into a woman, and if she had to drink it from a cup to get pregnant.—u/a_sad_scientist


Ha! A nun taught us sex-ed. One of the lads asks her if “when you stick it in do you just hold it there or do you wiggle it or what?”. ‘she turned red and informed him it was an inappropriate question.—u/turbobofish

sex ed questions, sex ed questions funny, funny sex ed questions, awkward sex ed questions, awkward sex questions


Omg I’ll never forget a question a girl asked in my sex ed class. Probably 7th grade.

Girl: Does pee ever come out instead of semen when a man ejaculates?

Teacher: No, when a man ejaculates it is only semen.

Girl: Okay, but what if pee came out instead of semen?

Teacher: That’s not physically possible, as it’s a separate system with urine vs. semen.

Girl: But what if it happened?

Teacher: It can’t happen.

Girl: …but what if it did.—u/gunterzwei


Best funny sex ed question. Boy Kid asked “What if it gets stuck?”—u/kidcanada999

sex ed questions, sex ed questions funny, funny sex ed questions, awkward sex ed questions, awkward sex questions


My daughter is a high school health teacher. When I told her there’s a Reddit question directed at her she gave me these:

1. “Why do I feel happy in my pants when I see a girl?”

2.”Is it true that a guy’s balls will explode if he doesn’t cum?”

Most common question: “Can you get pregnant from anal sex?”—u/dpdxguy


Not a sex ed teacher, but a 7th grade classroom teacher.

I had one boy ask me, “Mr. XXXX, you know boobs, right?” as he cupped his hands in front of his chest. I nodded.

“I’m sorry, I know this is a bad word,” he said, “but I dont know any other way to say it. Are boobs … full of cum?”—u/AyneldjaMama

Jason Mustian

Jason is a Webby winning, Short-Award losing humor writer and businessman. He lives in Texas with his amazing wife and four sometimes amazing kids. All opinions are mine and very dumb.