People Are Sharing Porn Dialogue That’s So Bad It’s Good (28 Posts)


“We are not hiring but I have a job for you.” –Basedbroboy


“Hey, has it been like 10 seconds since we looked at our lemon tree?” –donnydelicious


“Classic porn scenario – girl orders pizza, girl can’t pay for pizza.

Her: “Why don’t you just stay and hang out?”

Him: “Lady, I’ve got a job to do. I can’t just blow off work.”

Her: “I’ve got PBR.”

Him: “PBR? F–kin’ A!” –FrameByFramed


“Oh yeah, baby you feel just like a water buffalo! Now I’m like a train going up hill! Choo choo!” –DaveSW777


“Oh my god, your assh*le is so hot!

You thought my assh*le was cold?” –porrabelo


“‘Oh look your teeth are melting’ after cumming in her mouth.” –ddave0822


“Oddly enough, superhero porn parodies have pretty intricate storylines and dialog. There was one that had Deadpool, Wolverine, Spider-Man, Domino, and Rogue (there were more, but that’s who was in the clip I saw) and they actually did a flashback with Wolverine talking about the Weapon X program. I was not expecting that and was actually pretty impressed!” –Jekyll_1886


“Girl 1 : But I’m straight 🙁

Girl 2 : Even spaghetti is straight until it gets wet

Had to stop wanking for a minute and think about how deep that was.” –oogaboogasupreme

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