30 People Share Their “Greatest Sexual Achievement”


Being married almost 50 years and we still desire each other get each other off with immense satisfaction. Yeah I know, youngsters will think it’s gross, but just wait. If you’re lucky, you’ll be here someday. —driverman42


My best friend at the time had sex with my ex (soon after we broke up and were still kind of working on things) who i had been dating for years… met up with his ex a while after (who i always thought was absolutely gorgeous) and had the same success! —_gnar


Made my ex bf cum from poking his belly button really hard. He said it had never happened before and I’ve never tried it to anyone since but I always laugh when I think about it and still don’t fully understand how it happened. —randomredittor21


A stranger and I knowing what we wanted with a glance, kissing and seconds later f*cking on a loading dock without a word ever spoken between us. —luvdemtiddies


I’ve always been proud of my full alphabet… I had a goal to be f—ked by guys with names starting with each letter of the alphabet. There was a bit of time where I didn’t think I’d manage but after 4 years I finally finished the alphabet  —babysecretaccount


I’d tried a lot in my own, and have even had sex a few times, with two different guys, but I’d never orgasmed. It was honestly really weighing on my self confidence. I wasn’t sure if I would ever really enjoy sexual behavior and I felt sort of broken. For a few years I just kind of stopped thinking about it and stopped trying to touch myself or even date. Then, at 23, I decided enough with enough and I read a bunch of articles (shout out to refinery 29) on techniques and I found some videos that actually turned me on and I did it! —emebeeboo


Had a threesome in a Ford Fiesta. A tight squeeze in more ways than one.—bloodgutsandpunkrock


One time I went to go lay in bed and I let myself just fall onto my bed. As soon as I hit the bed, I randomly had an orgasm. I wasn’t even thinking about sex when it happened. Slept like a baby. —yayeahyayeahyayeah


Having sex in a tent during huge thunderstorm and cumming on a loud thunder strike. Felt like I was Thor. —thenookiecookie


Had a one night stand with an older lady. Weeks later with a woman and her bi fiancee

A few months later a random girl other side of town. Few months after that i saw a family photo in this girls room i hooked up with…ALL of them were related.

Mom, Oldest Sister/Fiancee, Cousin and Younger sister. It wasnt on the F*ck’it List…but it was promptly added and crossed off. —AJMax104

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