
People Are Sharing The Privileges Most People Don’t Realize They Have

Having privilege is a real thing, and it’s important that we acknowledge the forces that have helped us achieve our goals and live the lives we want. But there are some privileges that most people have that are so basic, it can actually blow your mind considering others don’t have the same. Things like running water, health, parents who love you, electricity, and a general feeling of safety.

On Reddit, folks are sharing the privileges that most people don’t realize are privileges.

And well, let’s just feel grateful for a moment if any of these apply to us. 


“Feeling safe in your own home. Not worrying about rats, mice, roaches, bed bugs, bricks being thrown through windows, violence outside, break ins.” — soccer_trekkie


“Having an emotionally mature parent.” — Hopeful_Cheesecake75


“Being able to ‘pursue your dreams’ because you have enough support systems to thrive regardless of outcome.” — deletedagain91


“Being healthy instead of disabled and chronically ill.” — jesusislord67


“Having a family that loves you. I grew up in a pretty loving family. It was somewhat dysfunctional, to be sure, but my mother loves me as does my sister. So did my grandparents. We were always a close family and we helped each other when possible. We were always supportive too. I went to school with people whose parents couldn’t have given a f**k less about them. I mean straight up, just didn’t give a s**t if their kids lived or died. If your parents actively tried to keep you off drugs and off the streets and were emotionally supportive and not abusive, count your blessings. It’s a f**ked up world we live in and plenty of people are trying to navigate it completely alone.” — CDC_


“Sleeping through the night.” — pressonshop2020


“Having a bed. When I was ages 8-11, my siblings and I had to sleep on the floor because we lived in a tiny one-bedroom apartment. The only bed belonged to my grandfather (a 70 year old man), and the couch went to my mother (a woman with severe back problems). The rest of us had to sleep on blankets and pillows. I remember turning twelve and finally getting to sleep in my own bed after three years of not having one. It was euphoria.” — averyfragilegirl


“24-7-365 of the following: Clean, drinking water, heated water, heated/cooled indoors, electricity, food.” — Sngglbnny


“Being able to go to a store without worrying if your wheelchair can fit through the aisles of if they have front steps.” — Moonlight713


“A hot shower every day.” — hoppenstedts