People Are Sharing The Most “You’ll Understand When You’re Older” Things (25 Posts)


“Why the pet hamster changed color.” –BigBadKYDO


“Love. I thought I loved my wife when I was 20. Now I am 50 and we have been together over 30 years. I realize now that when I was 20 I didn’t understand what love is. I hope 70 year-old me looks back on 50 year-old me and says the same thing.” –Amon-Re-72


“King Triton, Ariel’s dad was right. She was just a child and she was not “in love” with the random prince she saw for all of 30 seconds.” –foundingflounders


“That EVERYTHING has shades of grey/is a sliding scale. It is so easy to understand the world as absolutes when young. Suddenly realizing in my late teens/early twenties that basically nothing is an absolute was a total revelation that really steers my understanding of everything and undoubtedly makes me a better person.” –AWhistlingWoman


“Money. There was a reason that you didn’t get those shoes, the PS5, a new shiny car, etc. Maintaining a home and keeping the family fed is f-cking expensive.” –diegojones4

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