Looks Like 2020 Is Already Shaping Up To Be A Record Year For Stupid People (23 Pics)

What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. — Ecclesiastes 1:9

We don’t often reference the Bible on RuinMyWeek, but as we move into this new decade I think it’s important to remember that there is truly nothing new under the sun. Stupid is as stupid always does, and the fine people over on r/boneappletea are chronicling the dumb for us daily.

I hope you don’t mind us taking the liberty of finding the dumbest things that have happened so far in 2020 (and January isn’t even over yet!)

Bone apple tea!


bone apple tea, r/boneappletea, reddit bone apple tea, dumb people


bone apple tea, r/boneappletea, reddit bone apple tea, dumb people


bone apple tea, r/boneappletea, reddit bone apple tea, dumb people


bone apple tea, r/boneappletea, reddit bone apple tea, dumb people


bone apple tea, r/boneappletea, reddit bone apple tea, dumb people



bone apple tea, r/boneappletea, reddit bone apple tea, dumb people


bone apple tea, r/boneappletea, reddit bone apple tea, dumb people


bone apple tea, r/boneappletea, reddit bone apple tea, dumb people
