‘I Tried To Quit My Job And They Said No’ — Boss Refuses Employee’s Resignation, Thus Retaining The Most Disgruntled Worker Possible

We’ve all quit jobs, but here’s a first: this boss actually refuses an employee’s resignation.

That’s what happened in this post on the Antiwork subreddit, where u/WorthlessFloor recounted a crazy story.

Their post was titled “Tried to quit my job and they said no.” And here was the bosses response:

boss refuses employee's resignation

Crazy right? Everyone else thought so too — how could your boss refuse to let you resign?

Commenters were also surprised, but had some advice.

boss refuses employee's resignation
boss refuses employee's resignation
boss refuses employee's resignation

The post also went viral on Twitter, with more than 6 million views.

Well, u/WorthlessFloor provided us with an update on exactly how their boss refused to accept their resignation.

After consulting with a lawyer, they sent their boss this message:

boss refuses employee's resignation

And their very stubborn boss responded with this, basically threatening to blackball them.

boss refuses employee's resignation

This also dumbfounded commenters, who couldn’t believe that a boss would want to keep an employee who actively didn’t want to work for them.

boss refuses employee's resignation
boss refuses employee's resignation
boss refuses employee's resignation

We don’t know how it ended, but u/WorthlessFloor did give us one more hilarious update to their boss refusing to accept their resignation. A few days ago, they received this email from their employer:

boss refuses employee's resignation

Guess they’re really trying to sweet-talk them into staying! Anyway, hard to believe but it’s true: a boss refuses an employee’s resignation. There’s truly a first time for everything.

h/t: BuzzFeed