People Who Develop Film Are Sharing The “Most Shocking Thing” They Found On A Customer’s Camera (15 Posts)


“Lady in her 70s comes in to pick up her photos, and as she’s going through them, she is VERY embarrassed by the last roll on the set, it’s a picture of a very impressive cannabis plant. She, in a fluster, explains that her brother must have snapped the photo to burn off the last shot on this disposable camera she brought in along with some other rolls (the rest of it was standard fare; family stuff). I explain not to worry about it, camera store clerks are probably the last people she needs to worry about narcing on her, and that she had a very beautiful crop. Next time she comes in, she impresses upon me the importance that I, and only I, develop the film can in the black canister, the rest of them were that Fuji translucent. I acknowledge and take the bag of film (it was the early 2000s, 1 roll isn’t worth a trip, you bring like 8) and make up envelopes for them. When I get to the lab and start processing, that black can is… light. I give it a shake, nothing in it! Pop the top, and she has stuffed the dankest, purplest nug in that can for me.” — TheSaltyStrangler


“I developed a disposable camera that was all close up photos of assholes. 27 photos, 27 different assholes.” — angelmelodyhorn


“Most wild thing I ever saw was a group of people in their mid 50s all out on a fishing trip. After the fishing they took pictures at a bar. Then a strip club. Then at a bon fire with a bunch of the strippers. Everyone was nude and it looked as though they were playing ring toss with a cowboy hat on the dudes dicks.” — basedonfacts


“Through high school I worked at a photo lab in a small town. Over the years I got to see a lot of weird intimate things but there were two occasions that stuck with me. The first was a series of photos of a friend’s mum.. she was naked. Tied up and gagged. We notified the police but it turned out that they had a serious dom/sub kink. Never told my friend about it.. her mum always avoided eye contact after that.” — gately12


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